Thanks for pulling flightstones

Some BS right there. Planned in spending them on gear crates after work tonight…

I am afraid to play before patch , because all I am going to get is explorer green crap for an hours play

Cant even use crests either. They vanihsed from my inventory. Have a season 3 item i wanted to upgrade to FINALLY complete my set and i cant.

Glad I shipped all the crates I could buy to toons and had nothing to upgrade days ago. Been chilling now. Sucks for those caught in this.

It could be worse. Imagine the hysteria if they reset everyones transmog.

The clearing of items normally always happens at the moment the season ends.

20 days ago on April 2nd they announced this would happen at 10:00 p.m. PST on the 22nd. It’s literally in the article under the news section. Heck trade chat was talking all about it just before it happened at 9:30 p.m. pst on stormrage.

They probably could have worded it a little better but it’s definitely there.

I really agree though that they did a really poor job on communicating this to players. I was just correcting the fact that you said they didn’t tell anyone


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sneaks away and logs in while GD isnt looking


Meanwhile at Blizz HQ …



What can you still get with sparks thats relevant?

Definitely took me by surprise. I was going to use my flightstones (had thousands available across a number of alts) for 441 loot boxes from M+ panda lady or rep tokens. No such luck this morning. This really needed to be communicated better. Happening before reset is just strange.


“Dragonflight Season 3 will be ending April 22 at 10:00 p.m. PDT, the night before the regularly scheduled maintenance, with Dragonflight Season 4 beginning immediately following on April 23. Here’s what you can expect as the seasons transition.”

No warning at all.


Yeah, an in game warning would have been nice, but we can’t say they didn’t warn us at all.

I was going to shore up a few things this morning and when I logged in everything gone. I didn’t think that was supposed to happen until AFTER the patch.


That was messed up. I was going to YOLO them all on Renown Insignias before the reset. But… alas, they were no where to be found.


It’s almost like they announced this would happen at 10 pm pacific on april 22nd 3 weeks ago

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
half a dozen bliz nerds standing around in a semi circle, hot cups of steaming foamy lattes in hand…“Hey, you know what would be REALLLLY funny to do today?”
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Something happened during S3 that destroyed Blizz’s ability to effectively communicate. They were doing really well for most of the expansion, but shortly after S3 started they just stopped.


I’m glad they pulled them. I did a few world quests this morning and I’m starting season 4 with 150 s4 Flightstones and 10 awakened whelping crests.

Assuming those don’t get wiped again with the actual maintenance / season launch.


BlizZard rug pull.

Welcome to the club.

Yes they cut and run as DF finished on a whimper like WoD. That is why DF is often called WoD 2.0.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing: