Thanks for ignoring our feedback on the 50% xp boost and removing it for no reason

When the pre-patch hits in either November or December, the amount of XP required to level from 1 to 60 is being reduced by 56%, so in essence, it’s already coming soon anyway.

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You new around here.


Well at least you didn’t try the “hold my breath and stomp my feet” tactic. I am not sure when people thought that just because you want something equates to Blizzard just has to do it.

I’m pretty bummed about it, too. But I have an alt problem. I have (6) Level 60s. They are all 200-250 ilvl. None of them are worth anything to any group. All I would do is level up another alt. And I have a boost from the DF preorder I haven’t used.

I have no idea what I’m doing in the game anymore, lol.

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I think many of us are outta here for a nice long break.

Here’s your newest ‘armchair’ developer. He is building the pally tree.

It makes sense to leave now. It’ll be faster to level later, so it’s best to just wait lol.

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Don’t forget the part where they leaked that bit of info on that interview just right before a 3 day weekend.


Not sure if you heard yet, but currently in the Alpha, they reduced the 1-60 leveling time by 57%. If you can be patient, you will have a permanent buff when DF launches.

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seems to me it’s yours, because you’ve ignored everyone, haven’t read what we said, and given very vague half-answers

A little ability that makes you fly having a slightly longer CD is an abusive relationship, actually

Jesus Christ

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Alternatively, they could have never given it in the first place. QQ

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Yeah because it was a dumb reason.


Barkblood also gave a reason.

50% exp boon isn’t gone entirely. They moved it to TBCC for a spell. I’ve taken the liberty to do 2 small sessions, and will likely continue to do small sessions of TBCC until the exp boon wears off.

That is no longer true. It used to be almost impossible to do. Now, with so little I’m interested in doing in the game, I find it almost impossible not to quit. Every time I see Blizzard encouraging/incentivizing group activities, I look for the bone they threw solo players - only there hasn’t been once since Mage Tower and that bone was impractically sized to the point that most of us didn’t bother with it.

Every time another update to the game comes and goes without making up for ALL OF ARCHAEOLOGY being omitted from Shadowlands, I find quitting becomes less difficult and more inevitable.

Blizzard has catered to soloers and casuals for 18 years now. This break from their core design philosophy should concern anyone who isn’t an M+ Raider.

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I mean, it’s fine if you don’t like the reason, but it doesn’t change the fact the op is flat-out wrong.

Really glad you are gone. Best wishes.

“No reason” is a lie.

I don’t think that they read these forums, don’t be naive and think that you have the power to make change.

Sorry you feel this way. I think they give plenty of solo content each patch. This is a new mythic +/raiding season not a new patch.

If you are so unhappy with your single player experience with an MMO maybe you should check out single player games?

lol people always say this. if they dont care about me yada, yada then i dont care about blizzard/wow but still here. Just stop. They gave you an answer and just because it you don’t like is no reason to be upset. Thats a problem kinda Blizzard and companies have created, they cave on things people whine about and then when they don’t get their way they pout and declare i’m unsubbing.