Thanks ED Horde (wpvp)

I’m not officially commenting on behalf of my guild, The Guard. Just me, a guy that started playing on ED during Cata and through to the intro of Legion, then took a 5 year break.

I wanted to thank the Horde players/guilds that took part in our two nights of harassing Org. Friday night was just a ten man hanging out front doing some probing attacks, engaging in some fun wpvp. Saturday night we attacked in force at Org and then re-directed to Silvermoon.

It was a blast. It was enjoyable, and for me it felt so much like how I remembered Emerald Dream, full of wpvp!

Big kudos to ALL involved including my Guard guildies and a few Alliance non-guildies that either organized it (Based and Vampt) or joined up for the wpvp fun.

Until next time :slight_smile:

–Mordain, Dwarf Paladin of Ironforge