Thanks blizzard 2/4 last weekly event

Wow, tried everyday for 5 hours trying to complete last week’s event and failed. 2/4. So much effort, nothing. You devs really need a reality check on these weeklies.


5 hours is like 20+ bgs and you did that for a week and won 2.

Totally blizz devs fault.


Sorry to hear, but if you were having that sort of an issue with it why bother? The reward is actual trash.


I’m sorry but lmao.


Oh my goodness, if this is true and not an exaggeration… lol :joy:

@ the OP, what would you have the devs do to “fix” this problem? Please elaborate on your grievance :thinking:

BG week and children’s week at the same time is a mean combo.


OPs a troll. He’s done 11 bgs total with a honor level of 3. Unless last week was his first time doing a battle ground, he’s lying. I doubt he even tried to do the weekly.


I really find that hard to believe honestly.

I got reflex to see if all the crying from alliance on the forums were true.

In 1 week, I won 4, lost 6.

I’m sure there would have been more wins if I would have played as much as you supposedly have. :woman_shrugging:

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No, I tried as I described. It’s BS. You can say what you want. Effort doesn’t matter. One put in all that time to complete. Yet no reward.

You haven’t put any effort into bgs, I can look at your profile and tell lol

How many did you try? Did you only do epics?

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No, randoms. The minimum difficulty required

Okay. How many?

F idk, 50+. However many you can queue up in 7 days, 5 hours a days playing.

Yea I am going to call BS on that. Even the worst player in wow wouldn’t have that luck. Sorry.


I got that luck. Thank you blizzard for not rewarding effort yet again.

Idk, they rewarded my effort.

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Then you’re lucky.

You gotta be trollin us dude, no way you can do “50+” bgs and only walk out with 2 wins.

I mean, we joke all the time on here about Alliance being bad at PvP, but they’re not THAT bad :joy:

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Totally unbelievable …

I am 2-0 tonight playing merc. Even won AV on resources with a crazy kill Glav then defend strategy :man_shrugging:t4::scream:

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