500th post
Um, actually. “Thank gold” is only a thing in Roleplay, not lore. In lore, Goblins say “Thank the laws of physics.”
What’s the opposite of giving a heart for a response?
Giving a ketchup cake as a response.
Me orc me smash
If the southfury watch was not located in the barrens where else could we be located? While still sticking to our themes but not necessarily the river
I’ve always liked Grom’gol.
Durotar. 1
Thanks for the bump.
I literally thought you racechanged to orc for a good minute and was disappointed at the end of goblin Topsail.
I would never do that to you Zatiya
Gosh I sure hope no one lets me get three posts in a row…
Stream Empress Of’s new album I’m Your Empress Of
Say whaaaaat?
baby I dont need whips and chains to have fun tonight
I mean. I hope not. Social distancing.
Why zug zug when u could hug hug
Laddy! Why hug hug when ye can chug chug!
It’s soup night folks! Come out and see what the Barrens offers.