She’s like 30.
Yeah that’s like absurdly old for a Goblin. Think it’s time we strapped you in to a bomb, Kass.
come down to the river the orcs are wet and the water is wetter
Nice. 10 c
Nice ten c
Niiiiiice. And harro.
Duel topsail
What the literal F is this
From another thread:
I’m a clerk looking to help a military outfit run it’s operations with necessary bureaucracy. Adopt me.
A Top Kass imitator!
Pfffffft. I am my own brand of bureaucracy.
I’d bet you can expect Topflail, Topkek, Lopsail and Mopsail any time now.
a very strange coincidence
Siracha veggie sticks are addicting
Time for an intervention.
Can we add a spy wing to the watch for sneaky secret spy characters?
Yes. Hello.
Can you find my secret message
I will neither confirm nor deny this.
You have to leave a curse word so that way we’re all going down together if we’re ever found out