Thank you - Please make more Deluxe Edition(s)

Are you implying you wouldn’t buy your hoodie to celebrate pride month because of a strangers feedback on a video game forum? Safe to assume you never were going to buy that hoodie to begin with.


Wow. The Stockholm syndrome is real.


just put a sour taste in my mouth knowing i might be reminded of certain someone while wearing.

plus its hard finding a hoodie in my size when yer 6’7ft


I think she’s referring to the Blitzchung incident.

Though weird you have said that LGBT isn’t a political movement, and yet anybody who disagrees or even questions with that movement are often called “alt right”… :thinking:

I mean doesn’t painting the opponent in a bad light on somebody on the political spectrum you hate makes your movement inherently political then because you are associating that political side as the enemy and therefore, implying that yours is good because it’s on what you think the correct side?..


I was referring to all the political nonsense, but that one too.


There is so much I want to say but I don’t want to get this account actioned more.


its the double standards.
tho they should stop, its a unhealthy for anyone to have a constant dose of it


So much bait in one thread.

I can actually see the sarcasm!

It’s only double standards if you’re on the outside looking in.


Oh, 'tis thou.


hello maurdeth, always good to see you pop in :smiley:

Oh ho ho ho… from a mile away it is friendo. And i despise it even more personally when viewed in a political standpoint… :expressionless:

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No thank you.

Have a nice day.

I’m not sure what you’re going on about, but the thread isn’t a political matter. It’s to add more content into the game and the best way to do so would be to add more packs and cosmetics into the in-game store. If there’s a market for them (and there is) it can be a win for everyone! Blizzard makes money and supports the community every month. I think it’s perfect.

You guys ready for super Delux Ultimate legendary editon for June Pride month only $144 :sunglasses:

I think a more fair price would be between $40-60 and would be completely optional aka only cosmetics. A themed rainbow set for June for would fantastic! :rainbow_flag:

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Then allow me to give you a refresher on where i’m coming from with what i’ve said… :point_down:

Now what does my comment say again?..

I hope it sinks in on what i’m talking about yet now.


this is why hes considered a troll and nothing more.

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I agree, this TBC deluxe package is great!! I feel like Classic is being left out though. Here’s to hoping the original Classic WoW can get some cool store packages and services as well!!

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I also think it’s pretty silly for him (or people like him) to pander with all the rainbow colored stuff. I mean isn’t that a little insensitive to the LGBT, to imply they won’t be interested unless they see something that is rainbow looking? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


weren’t clowns rainbow colored first?