Thank you - Please make more Deluxe Edition(s)

Then you can’t really disagree with me. I mean you’re not even doing a discussion, your just preaching to the choir…

Clearly it’s not okay to you, so why lie to me here? :point_down:

By the same logic, don’t complain if people are making their decisions to not buy your suggestion. Though something tells me that we both know you would do exactly that.

I love how you say that the people who listen to other people are only just doing it because it’s popular or “correct” and yet at the same time you so want people to listen to you because you think it’s popular or “correct”.

This is why i call you a hypocrite.

…Yeah we can all see you were critically thinking, critically thinking of a label/ad-homs to use… :roll_eyes:

Also for somebody who tells me that they are critically thinking, they sure are… refusing to look in other people’s arguments because of surface level observation of the person’s arguments. But hey, if i agree with you, then all the sudden, i’m magically critically thinking. Funny how that works, huh? It’s almost convenient. :open_mouth: :open_hands: :rainbow:

It’s business to tie sell LGBT to people? What video game explicitly has done that, has successfully done that without backlash to a point where it’s profitable? LGBT for DLC? LGBT for MTX? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And there goes you saying you’re inclusive. I mean i’m pro reasonable capitalist, but this just sounds honestly disgusting to me.