Thank you Ion for pushing for more RPG customization

A few years ago i would had been totally on board with it. I played this game for years with a “this is an rpg first and foremost” mindset.

Guess what, all it does is turning the whole thing into an uphill battle. Not because of the game’s tuning itself is that thight. Its not unless you’re in a top 5 world guild or on the front page of the PvP ladder. Its not even close to be.

But there’s a prevalent social expectation for it nowadays. Because everyone has access to all the information, everything is mathed out and crunched before the patches are even out. Because everyone, even 3/12M raiders 6 months into a patch think they’re the next greatest thing to grace the internet and you should feel lucky to be in their online presence and because its basic human nature to take the path of least resistance.

Worst part, its not even a thing just in WoW, play anything online and its the same crap. Even older games (WoW Classic and D2 to name just these).

I had so much fun in FF7R because i just played and Platinum’d the whole thing playing however i wanted never looking at a guide. I plan to do ghe same thing in Cyberpunk.

But as far as WoW goes? Screw it. I’m not fighting the meta anymore

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Yes, you are very correct. The guys who care will find the best strategy and those who don’t will do whatever they want. However, nowadays certain classes aren’t playable without certain talents, like Shadow Priest for example. I hope the Covenant abilities and Soulbinds don’t fall into that same trend as well.

You are very spot in. It’s even MORE prevalent in Classic than it is in retail, which is hilarious given the difficulty of the content.

Almost no one took human Priests to raid because Dwarves have fear ward.

That’s the thing about the ever scaling difficulty level though. You might as well be playing 2 different games, and it comes into play much sooner than +29. The difference between a +15 and a +17 is noticeable and at +20 its even more so.

There are people that overcome that meta hump and I get that. They are good players. But they are in the small minority.

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Lol, i’ve been back only for a month and i’m already rolling 15s. My friends with full socket/corruption setups are 4 manning 16s on time when they do sales. Same friends clear 22s with off-meta comps (dps war, Lock).

Meta matters at 25s+ maybe but that’s exactly what i mean by front page tier players.

And that’s what i mean by people caring about meta a level where tuning is irrelevant to your success chances.

I barely even think this means RPG matters

I’m just going to assume they’re doing it because they know the whales that throw dollars at them won’t be able to help having to buy a second sub so they can have over 50 characters

The people that lose here are the casuals and the people that do content that extends beyond questing

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I couldn’t agree more, much more customization give me my mmoRPG back. Throw away the Rng systems and give us some meaningful choices regardless of meta. Give people CHOICES.

Throw us Metagems/red/blue/purpe/green/yellow with full on enchants I’m game for that also. Feel free to give us a complex talent system like Path of Exile would LOVE IT


How about locking you into those choices and making them obnoxious to get out of?

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Apparently they are very easy to switch IIRC? It’s switching back to one you already left is the more time consuming part. I could be wrong though, haven’t studied the end game systems too closely.

I don’t know why these idiot covenants think they get to decide where my character goes

Half the things that are in the shadow lands are only there because I put them there

I should be instantly hailed as a god the moment I walk in


I think this is a good change but the min max crowd is already mad.
And i don’t even know if its an amazing change for now venthyr still seems to have the better options.

If they wanted to add more interesting choices they would stop making throw away systems and let players continue to build their character instead of reseting us every expansion. Wow is the only RPG I know of that does this and there are games out there older than wow that have never squished stats, removed levels, removed abilities, etc.

Honestly it’s not much of one though.

I’d say it’s pretty obvious they are trying to overhaul the game rather than just making a brand new one, which I’m not against.

I’m ok with them trying to go back to the roots of the game while still trying to give us fresh ideas from gameplay.

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It’s not just the mix max crowd

It’s pretty much anyone who’s highest priority isn’t RP

So it’s pvpers, mythic + champs, raiders and people who cross into all those paths


It’s only tryhards and min max crowd.

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Go into the pvp forums and say how you like the covenant system and report back once they’ve all ripped into you

GD has the worst representation of these forums

Moonguard and WCA have a huge presence here and they’re only two servers


Tryhards in pvp? What a surprise.


I really love how you people think this view point is more inclusive to players then dismiss huge swaths of the player base simply for playing the game they way they like

Do you see how that’s kinda hypocritical?


Yeah I get this feeling too. They’ll do a 5+ year time jump for the next xpac and we’ll have WoW 2 without having everything wiped and have to start over.

With this many choices, the difference between good and fun player would be much greater than before.

I watched the video and I see quite a few noob baits. It’s going to be much harder to optimize your covenant choice, even if you might not have the most meta covenant, many choices means many wrong choices. Those who wishes to optimize must do even deeper dive than simple reading a guide, meaning new/average player can nolonger rely on a guide to guide them through this complex problem.

Perhaps this doesn’t actually change alot of things. We will just gate based on final performance, with logs and io just like how we currently do it.

Maybe that’s what ion means when he wants us to look at the system as a whole.

Kind of funny in restrospect… considering he was a big part of elitestjerks which defined META for wow. Now he wants to break it?!

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