Thank you for Screwing over DPS only mains

After messing up the whole log in order and apparently cheating myself out of tokens to buy essences with on my alt. I discovered that My tank and healer alts could only buy the DPS essences, the generic ones, and the nazjatar and mechagon rep ones. My main is a DPS only toon. So because my main is incapable of learning the essences for the other roles, I am now asked to regrind all those same essences for the other roles. Thanks but no thanks. I’ll be saving my $15 a month.

There is too many grindy systems in place for me to want to redo content I never wanted to do in the first place.


Can i have your gold?


You can have all 50 silver. Don’t spend it all in one place!


One less pure dps to compete against for groups.


One less tank more likely, I only used the dps to get essences. I do all group content on my tank.


Honestly, the system makes sense to me. I understand why you’re complaining, but honestly it doesn’t some reasonable enough to me.

I’m with Blizz on this one. Bon voyage!


So you never earned the essences but want them account wide?


Thanks, I’ll see you in Shadowlands!

My reasoning is I enjoy many different play styles. With how many grindable systems are in place, and how much time I have a week to put into it (Corona Virus Housearrest asside), I’d be putting that time into grinding some things instead of enjoying the class how I’d like too.

@Berriwood, I earned them on a DPS only character. Since DPS toons are incapable of even looking at Tank/Healer essences I couldn’t even learn the ones that are given from the exact same grind (Looking at Blood of the Enemy/Supression Sphere/Temporal whatever).

It just makes the system they introduced look like a time sink, makes me feel they’re only after my money and not me enjoying the game.

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You didn’t earn the essences then. Okay.


As an example, if you as a Paladin ground out Blood of the Enemy, it would AUTOMATICALLY unlock the tanking and healing essences from the same source with NO effort.

Do you see the issue with classes that only have 2/3 or 1/3 roles?

Edit: So to answer your question, yes I did earn them.

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I don’t think that’s even true though? Essences are essences, some work for some roles, some work for all roles.

So which rank 3 tank/healer only essences did you earn on the dps main? Or am I confused here and you earned the tank/healer only essences on your tank/healer alts?

edit: haha it is true for that one specific essence. Perks of being a hybrid main I guess.

Yeah, it is lol. Makes me regret not maining my Druid from legion into BFA.

I think it’s only true for that one specific(three I guess) essences though. The important one is blood of the enemy anyway so it’s not a big deal.

edit: yeah the other ones actually suck

Sorina is a pure healer only. I have a Prot/Fury warrior that I just started working on. I won’t have access to any of the DPS or tanking essences.

At least I’ll be able to use the rank 3 generic essences? Might not be BIS essences, but it’s something.

That is the specific essence I wanted on my tank to fill his new fourth essence slot.
I do agree, that is the only one that should have been with the Nazjatar/Mechagon rep ones.
It’s still leaves a feeling of distaste, if I had known they were going to do this, I would have just played a multi-role class throughout the grinds so I wouldn’t be asked to go back and do old content again to get it on an alt. A lot easier to do Nazjatar World PVP when Nazjatar was current content, same with EP.

Why you want that essence? Just eat the slow food if you need to kite. It’s a bad essence lol come on.

In life,
when you want something,
you do what is needed to do to get it,
whatever it may be.


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Honestly, I’m with OPs sentiment here. If someone chose to main DPS on a multi role class, they’re probably sitting on essences for other roles as well. They may have spent just as much time playing DPS in all the same kinds of content as someone playing a pure DPS class but they’ll have all those essences, whereas a pure DPS class player will be SOL.

Yeah but think of it like this, a rogue has 3 dps specs to choose from. You and I have one. Druids and shammies are freaks of nature so they don’t count. Priests have two heal specs. Who else even heals? Idunno!

My main is a Hunter, only 3 DPS specs. You’re currently posting from a Paladin which has all three roles lol. >.< I think it’s just lame that you have to regrind for those that other classes had it easier to obtain. Especially when you weren’t even given the option of picking up those essences in the first place. If they wanted to implement a role restrictive system, they should have given us the option to choose whether we wanted the DPS, Healing, or Tanking essence. Even if our class doesn’t have those roles. Then we couldn’t complain about this right now. But our hands were tied.

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