As a 55 toon multi boxer I just wanted to say thank you!Please do not cave to vocal minority. Stay strong Blizzard.
Inform me… What the f are you actually talking about?
“You’ve performed that action too many times, please wait 24 hours before trying again.”
I just want to flag blatant troll posts in peace. Is that too much to ask?
He’s talking about the recent change to the AH that makes it so if you manage more than oh, say, 30-50 auctions, you get 3-4s wait times between every action you do on the auction house (Searching, posting, cancelling…).
It doesn’t directly kill TSM, but it certainly does cause a lot of issues for auction house players that have a large amount of items posted at any given moment, particularly for auctioneers that rely on transmog, glyphs, or previous expansion mats/enchants.
It doesn’t Etalmagren!
However it does affect the auto posting tools we use so we can’t put up our bag of goodies into the auction in a matter of minutes.
It does affect our gold making but it’s not so bad if you’re a mat farmer or rare transmog farmer. It does affect quick buy/resell though pretty hard.
tbh it’s just braindead, I have 1100 auctions to post everyday, and just to post 130 it takes about 10-15 minutes.
They wanted to " fix " the advantages that players using auction house addons have over those who dont, but it’s completly dumb, as for sure an addon is made to make life easier and have advantages that others that don’t have it don’t have.
Like what… just remove DBM then if you’re not happy with addons that advantages players who have it over those you don’t. It’s been allowed for 16 years and now after all that time they are like " well, let’s change wow. " and they break the gameplay of a lot of players, even tho it’s a small % of the playerbase, it’s a damn lot of players who are posting thousands of items everyday, which because of the 8.3 revamp is already long, and now it’s even worst. Tbh they are always making bad decision over the gameplays, we can see with BFA how it went, we can see with LFR how it always have been going, we can see it with a bunch of different things, and now the auction house.
Just close de auction house if you’re not happy Blizzard. " It creates lags " well fix your god damn servers if something YOU created yourself makes lags, It’s the same with Alteract Valley, if you don’t have the greatest PC you CANT play in it.
They gotta just fix their servers that’s all, not breaking gameplays.
I’m confused, so why did Blizzard do this? If you slow down auction postings what happens? Is it to help Blizzard auction server or something? Enlighten me almighty Golbins
Im sorry but you’re wrong, you surely don’t have over a 1000 items posted everyday, if like me you were farming ANY kind of tmogs everyday and almost only tmogs, it’s really, really, REALLY annoying. just do 1000 items times 3-4 seconds. And it’s way more than that actually, as with TSM you gotta first scan the items, then wait for 3-4 seconds between each posts.
Even with TSM, the 8.3 AH revamp made it already longer to post, as I was posting all my 1100 items in about 30 to 40 minutes, now it’s AT LEAST double that and more.
Then Isha you cannot understand the problems we have, I believe even posting thousands of mats is not even close of the problems of posting different tmogs.
And im being salty against Fatdan, as he just clearly don’t know how to use TSM and don’t want to learn how because it’s probably " too complicated " for him so he gave up and now trashtalk on it, he’s probably not even using the ah for other than posting Glyphes/Mats.
I don’t do 1000 per day. For me it’s mostly the same item. I’m a small fish, just paying for my sub and enough to buy a +15 run occasionally.
Just let me post auctions for infinite durations, AKA sell orders, and reduce lag by 99%.
You’d also get a lot more transmog being posted that way, no more needing a guild bank to store your surplus if you want to do it seriously.
No that’s not good, as lags will happen anyway.
Why ? 'cause if you really want to take it seriously you will end up canceling all your posts to repost them, as if you don’t do that, you’ll end up at the end of the list of these items and wont ever sell them.
thanks for killing the game
LIFO is the other elephant in the room, yeah.
I’m really looking forward to the next “why aren’t there any tanks?” thread so I can be like “There are tanks but they are busy posting auctions” That’s my joke I’ve prepared
They just need to add buy and sell orders into the game like EVE’s market has, and then have limits/costs on modification of orders that scale. So people can still snipe, but it gets diminishing returns after so many modifications, while small fry players can easily sell for a price they like by filling a buy order. The system works very well, really, but unfortunately would probably require more of an AH rework than Blizzard is interested in doing.
Lol have you even tried posting items before posting this comment ? It’s literally the worst thing Blizz did in the passed 10 years, it’s worst than the Garrison and worst than BFA, they just made a really really really really bad revamp of the ah today. If you’re the one who only snipes to make gold, then you don’t know lol. If you would be the one who has to post 1000+ items everyday, then you know.
Right now they just broke EVERYTHING that we could do on the ah. That’s all. Everything that TSM propose is now destroyed, cannot snipe, cannot post, cannot scan, cannot cancel… I mean what’s the meaning of having an actually Auction House if you block all of that.
Im not saying that sniping is bad or anything, but you really should start thinking about others before thinking about yourself, as sniping is clearly not the priority there. Yes sniping is a great way of making gold, but posting auctions is what everyone’s doing.
Blizzard should work WITH the creators of both TSM and Auctionner, and create a descent Auction House that would do about everything that both addons do, and fuse them, and make it easier to use than TSM is for those who don’t know how to. OR imply guides on how to configure/use the TSM look-a-like new Auction House they would do to HELP people out.
But one thing they have to do, is fix their god damn servers.
Not sure why you’re complaining when you’re clearly the target of the change. Over 1000 auctions per day is not the average person.
55 toon multiboxer
Why? Why? Why?
I get having a team of 5 to run dungeons myself but 55?
Yes but lets say… lets say 25% of the playerbase USING the AH everyday is actually posting 1000+ items, and im not saying the entire playerbase, only those who uses the AH everyday for goldmaking. Blizz said that those 25% cause more than 75% of the AH Traffic, that means if we all can’t post that much anymore, which items will be on the ah now ? And the prices will keep going up as nobody’s posting anymore, already right now posting 30 auctions and half of em there’s no more items when there’s normally at least 4 of each on my server. That means I get to chose the price, that means some people can break the economy of an entire server because of that.
Why run a dungeon yourself when you can run two entire raids yourself?
Yeah it’s actually funny, with only 6 characters 120 you can have more than a token per week in raw gold by farming WOD and Legion raids, if you do everything correctly you can even have almost more than 200k. So lets say on each multiboxing account you have 6 characters at least 120 it just makes it funny to not even pay anything by doing something that will take about 9 hours per week to do, so you have like 4-6 tokens a month, and then everything else you farm in the next 4-6 months is " raw " gold ! It is actually funny yeah.