Thank You for keeping PvP Gearing

Thank you for keeping the current system of gearing! Definitely staying subbed


Tagging so I can check in on the chaos later.


I agree. Thanks blizzard for making gear earned and not simply participation points.


I’m 100% not trying to poke fun at you guys, and I’m glad these changes work for you all.

However I can see it now that blizz will ignore every other gearing posts and only see this one. The devs are in the background "THEY LOVE OUR IDEAS!!!"


I truly believe it’s within everyone’s power to get the gear they want, which is why I’ve never really seen an issue with how gearing currently works.


Unrated excluded. People who just do BGs/skirms but don’t play rated shouldn’t be 30ilvl below other people queuing to do unrated PVP, in my opinion. It should be templated.


But if you love it too much, we’ll take it away.

Pretty much this - it’s weird that newer PvPers, alts, and casuals need to go through a ritual hazing just to get some baseline gear.


I don’t know if I mind the Hazing b/c there’s ways around it (BOE’s & renown gear), but it needs to be shortened. I think they just need to make the baseline honor gear 174 or whatever that first renown gear gate is. So than you need to go from 174 to 197 to max honor gear instead of 151 or whatever it is.

EDIT: also the biggest issue I see for new people or less informed people (i.e. me) is the best way to gear. It’s nearly impossible to really figure all this out as there’s sooooo much a new character needs to do to get ready. So what’s the best process is a question constantly ask myself.

My main issue with it is kinda summed I up in the tldr from this article discussing the 2v2 ladder

  • Summary: Rating largely remains unchanged, and 2v2 rating has not inflated despite Blizzard’s recent changes to 2v2 rating. Average item level at this stage of the season is very high. In the active 1400-1599 rating bracket, the median ilvl is 212, which is far higher than the ilvl available from this bracket (207).

The article goes on to speculate that the higher iLvl is probably due to the multiple gearing paths, but that the overall strength of gearing means that to push higher you need to overcome both a skill and a gear gap. Loo It’s an interesting read


Sometimes I just want to do the daily random BGs for fun… but alts going against full duelist geared opponents is not fun. Needs to be some type of matching system for battlegrounds, either by gear (ilvl), ranked score, or team composition (i.e. 2-3 healers each, and not 5 for a team and zero for another).

Wait times are like 2-5 minutes. I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard to match teams more evenly.


This is where im at now and im being one shotted by rated pvp’ers and heroic raiders. Least the pve’rs will see a change to their gear, but thats it for us casuals.

Edit- oh yeah, and I’ll be dropping on the healing/dps meters in lfr’s thanks to these changes too

I keep logging in less and less


Yeah, I don’t blame you. I’m fairly satisfied with the game so wins or losses don’t really mean anything to me. However, if my only gaming experience was doing random BGs at 200 ilvl, I would have quit the game months ago.

They’re not even fun to run geared, tbh. Every random BG I run I do so hoping for farm back some achievements I don’t have on the new account, but win or lose the games are landslides so very little room to farm out achievements.

I feel you should be able to upgrade your PvP gear at every 100 rating after 1400. So get 210 gear at 1500, 213 at 1600 and so on. Mythic + has so many brackets of gear as you work your way up.

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Yes, thank you Blizzard. I will look forward to earning my OP gear by buying an arena carry asap. Then I will happily waltz into random bgs and stomp on the undergeared majority. :slight_smile:

Maybe I’ll even come across some of your undergeared alts Kek. Won’t we have so much fun together, you and I? I’m sure that we will.

I regret not doing this at the beginning of season 1 when I could have easily done it. But I won’t make the same mistake this next season. It’s clear now that Blizzard doesn’t care about these disparities and boosting in PVP. This is the system that they want.

You seem kinda mad there buddy. :slight_smile:

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Or things aren’t as bad as you think and you’re just a conspiracy theorist and whiner?

better than bfa, worse than anything before it

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facerolling low geared gear and calling yourself multi glad yeah…

pvp forums, yo.

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who did that?

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What happened to your toon Rankoneboost? Banned for RMT? I still see your alt Kekw is here…