Thank you for all your hard work

You leave to not get banned…lol If they send 15 to back cap you go back cap them. It’s simple. AFKing at towers i not helpful to your team. Tired of people saying it is a deterrent. It’s not. You just aren’t playing the game.


So your saying I can protect the area I choose to and other people get to decide where I go in a game I pay for or I get banned?

If you got banned it was for a reason. Play the game the way it’s intended.

I dont have the OG manual for the game but if you do can you show me exactly where in that or the ToS it says what the max number if defenders per tower is that’d be great.

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Just incase im there with like 4 other people and 2 more show up I can run away so we dont all get banned…

The amount is equal to the amount that will not impact your team negatively. It’s simple man. If you see a large quantity of people there go rush north to help with towers there and vann.

Just want to point out that all of this can be solved by making your own group just like pvers do.

Or for people to not queue up sub lvl 70 or in greens. You just negatively impact your teams. I don’t play the game to try twice as hard because someone wants to be carried for easy gear. Also, can’t do a full AV premade.

Sounds more like your problem is that blizz made a BG with a bracket that goes from 61-70 and think that anyone who uses that BG the way blizz put into the game is in your way and should be banned, maybe a easer fix would be to put a 61–69 bracket and a 70 only bracket…

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Sure you can, they were doing it back in og wrath with a simple addon.

Shouldn’t have to use an addon to avoid carries. Just go get gear the normal progression way and come back when you have some sibilance of gear. No one is saying not to do AV, but do it when you can actually contribute to the success of your team.

Keep crying, I’ll be finished getting my brutal set long before blizz changes anything you’re asking for.

Sounds exactly like your saying to not do AV (just only when your max level and in pvp gear). Blizz made AV 61–70, don’t like it try WSG or AB where real pvp happens.


Exactly, AV has always been where people go for easy honor. If you want a challenge that tests your individual skill more, do one of the other bgs.

I mean AV is basically pve anyway.

Or the sub-70s can do WSG or AB to be with people their own level so its not a full on carry. AV should be for 70s only and if you don’t have gear and are just AFKing to get gear you should be banned much longer than 30 days. Blizzard did us all a favor removing dead weight from BGs. Since the ban my BGs have been 100x better.

You are a joke. A walking meme

Its been proven to be an automated system multiple times for years, look it up there are videos on YouTube of people testing it. If anyone says otherwise they are lying or trolling.

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If you believe it isnt automated (or at the very least manned by outsourced nobodys who dont even play video games) just cuz the blizz reps who are trying to save face tell you so… i have some magic beans to sell you.

This weekend is filled with evidence that the ban system is not properly reviewed by anyone, or anyone remotely knowledgable.

If you are still banned. You did something wrong. Simple as that. Blizzard gains nothing from banning you all. Eat your generous 7 day ban and I will see you again next Tuesday after the scourge event. Next time don’t AFK bgs and contribute.

No they just arent playing the way YOU want them to. If 10 people want to defend each tower its their business, not yours.