Thank You Blizzard

I want to thank Blizzard, devs, the community and all players around for the amazing years of fun you brought for me and my little brother.
This is my last farewell, I really enjoyed playing this game along my bro, but since his death, I dont feel I can keep logging here anymore. Everytime I see my characters I remember him yelling at me in dungeons, raids… even questing… and this pains me. I love the game, and whatever people say about the actual expansion, I like it… But without my brother, its like dust.
Well, I dont want to say much, I just want to thank everyone, all guildies, players, gms, devs, EVERYONE, for all fun, all thousands hours spent ingame. I miss playing with him, and I cant play alone. I tried, but, just cant.
Thank you for everything
I bid you my farewell Azerothians.


So sorry for your loss. I am sure both of you will be greatly missed. Well wishes from ED.

Terribly sorry to hear about the loss of your brother, Sathrin. It sounds like you two really shared a special time in Azeroth. Stay strong.

I don’t know you but I’m sorry for your loss. Letting go is a different experience for everyone - your brother was lucky to have someone who cared for him like you do.

Best of luck, sir and godspeed.

So sorry for your loss. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

I cannot pretend to know your pain, Sathrin, but my heart aches for your loss. I know what it is like to see familiar characters and be reminded of sweet memories that only bring you pain.

“Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.” - C.S. Lewis

This is a quote that digs deep at me. I cherish my time here on Azeroth and among this community that we share. In this world we get to play at being those brave knights and courageous heroes: you and your little brother included. We don’t know the details of your situation, but I hope your brother can be remembered as such, a brave and heroic spirit. As I’m sure he was here in-game.


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