Thank you blizzard!

I want to thank you for this recent change for the runes, allowing us to purchase them all from the vendor. This is a huge change in the direction of respecting the players time. But there is a couple more things I wish you would implement.

Reputation being shared across the server with your characters. Treat our characters like a “family” or something and allow us to continue working on our reputation no matter what class we chose to play.

Another I’d like to ad is the 2 minute rez timer. I understand we use to have this in the game to prevent honor cheating… but there was honor decay at the time. (which is another way we griefed the player) Now that we do not have honor decay (thank you btw) it would be nice if we did not have 2min rez timers, at the most we should have 30 seconds. Giving us 2 minute timers gives the griefer enough time for cooldowns to come back up and grief you again. I don’t mind dying from the same player 1000 times. Its dying to the same player but having to wait 2 minutes in between each death. I’m on a pvp server and love to pvp. I go to orgrimmar to duel almost everyday as alliance. I duel in silithis, I duel in BRM but these 2 minute timers when we are just trying to have fun makes no sense. Blizzard please… and thank you for SoD I’m having fun