Thank you Blizzard

Way back when you told us you could do it. Now you are following through with it.

Except where noted, all changes will be offest so that they do not apply to PvP.

I know this may seem like a small thing, but it’s very important for PvP.

For the love of the titans if you’re referring to an announcement can you link it?

You’re welcome

She’s referring to the upcoming balancing changes.


… haven’t they been doing this for a long time now? There are literally patch notes specific to PvE spec changes and PvP spec changes.

now they just need to not effect the questing people and only affect the raiders and mythics and dungeoners.

All questing content is faceroll regardless of class balance.

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The last time mages got nerfs was because something that was happening in PVE and that affect the PVP. Then a week later, they had to turn around and buff fire mages for PVP.

I think it was back in Battle For Azeroth they said could separate the two and fine tune when needed. Anyway, this is the first time that I had spotted it, and I just want to say thank you to them.

Huge news if true :flushed:

Oh and hi Bdm :wave::smiley:

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