young in terms of her being a rebel. she was not a rebel until, well, LEGION lol
this is why you they hate you. this right here is why they banished the high elves. this is why tyrande doesn’t have to grovel at thalyssra feet who never did anything for any one ever until she was begging for help against elisande after thousands and thousands of years of following her lead. this uppity attitude lol. this is why i come close to not wanting y’all on the horde.
horde should be about the outcasts and downtrodden struggling and defending their rights to survive, not uppity aristocrats who look down at everyone.
They want to look down upon everyone but then expect to be embraced with open arms by Horde and Alliance alike. Suddenly I have to accept “Nightborne” as equal members of the Horde even though they’ve done nothing at all for the Horde.
This is also why the Zandalari addition to the Horde can look pretty goofy as well. This is a pretentious empire who looked down upon everybody else as inferior but as soon as they get lolstomped by the Alliance they come begging to join the Horde and be treated as equals when just a few expansions ago they were bad guys to everybody.
The Elven civilization used to be an empire that built grand cities and spanned vast swaths of territory. Under the Kal’dorei thinking they knew how to lead better than the Highborne, the old cities crumbled to ruins, that aren’t even a shadow of their former selves, the Kal’dorei population stagnated, and the Kal’dorei became dependent on the Ancients and Nature spirits to protect their land.
Meanwhile in the same time period, starting from scratch the Quel’dorei built a new kingdom that became a world power again, and had a high enough population that even with 9/10 of us dying we still had enough people to be relevant on the world stage.
The Blood Elves are also what the Horde needs, a people that shows them that being outcasts doesn’t mean you have to settle for being dirty savages clawing in the muck, who have to adapt to others ways to achieve greatness. The Quel’dorei after all already did this once, turning desperate outcasts into greatness.
Ahem… there was lingering corruption because of the first invasion of the burning legion, shamanism didnt had a cohesive group then so it fell to the druids to fix the mess the HIGHBORNE caused, large portions of the male kal’dorei had to go to sleep in order to do that, so its not like they were in a place to breed like rabbits, plus they were immortal so there is that.
You also screwed up big time teaching the humans magic not telling them it attracts demons, that was also the reason you were exiled on the first place.
I might point out the orcs were pretty much behind Garrosh and he looked down at all the other races of the Horde as well. Frankly almost any bad traits you want to apply to any of the other races of the Horde, the orcs proved themselves to be capable of or have under Garrosh. As I said before, there were almost no orcs among the Darkspear rebellion and Garrosh was as bad as anything Sylvanas as done.
I might point out you play a race that was massively retconned for WC3 too. The orcs had no redeeming traits in the first two Warcrafts and calling them anything like honorable would be a joke.
It is very close. The main difference is its undead instead of orcs and Blizzard this time is at least trying to show some forsaken that aren’t complete patsys of the villain warchief.
Ok. You need to work on consistency. You accuse people of racism for using the word mudhut and then say a race needs to know its place?
To be clear, I am not accusing you of racism because we are talking about fictional races in a fictional world but surely you see the irony of getting upset over ‘mudhut’ comments and then saying a race needs to know its place.
They literally just joined and they have lore wise assisted in a infiltration mission into Stormwind and improved the security of our portal network. Plus they are set to do a lot in Naz’jatar since they are major characters there.
He might need to actually join the horde first since he has chosen to remain a independent Steamwheel Trade Prince even when Thrall was on the Warchief seat.
“We were nearly totally wiped out by a human but we’re great!” What have Blood Elves even done anyways since Arthas? Not much.
And what makes the Horde “dirty savages”? Is it our architecture? Is any race that isn’t a light skinned Elf a “savage”? I’m starting to think you don’t actually like the Horde aesthetic and would play Alliance if Blood Elves were on the Alliance.
Actually I main Horde. Nice try though. This is funny coming from a Blood Elf Paladin. You look the part of Alliance but want to play Horde.
I wasn’t a fan of Garrosh either. And no, Garrosh didn’t raise the dead against their will. He at least had a sense of morality for some things whereas Sylvanas is amoral. Also Blizzard themselves said Sylvanas would look at Garrosh as an amateur compared to what she has wrought. Shes worse.
But they existed prior to WC3. “Nightborne” existed nowhere. Suramar was suppose to be nothing but ruins. It was made up just to add more Elves to the Horde.
I don’t see the irony. It’s not racist to believe Thrall is more qualified to lead the Horde than a Blood Elf. It just makes sense. A blood elf does not.
Sure you main horde… you just hate almost everything about them and want them to be Alliance. Go back to your alliance character that you seem to prefer.
I’m not the one playing the most Alliance looking race and class combination on the Horde. That’s you. When I play Horde, I play a Horde looking race. When I play Alliance, I play Alliance. If I wanted the Horde to be more like the Alliance I’d play a Blood Elf Paladin or something and insult every major Horde character that isn’t Sylvanas.
Well, even beyond Tyrande, truth of the matter is … the Nightborne “currently” (as in the culture they and the Kaldorei became) share some pretty key cultural norms with the Sin’dorei.
The Sin’dorei designed their civilization to emulate the Ancient Kaldorei Empire. While there is some lasting reverence to the natural world instilled in them by the Kaldorei, it is an heavily Arcane based civilization (as is the Nightborne’s). The NEs (outside of very recently) have largely rejected the Arcane methodology, in favor of a far more nature based civilization.
The Sin’dorei also understand the consequences of Arcane Mana Addiction AND Mana Withdrawal like the Nightborne. They understand what it feels like to have a truly beloved leader betray them and lead factions of their people down a terrible “Fel” related path. They also don’t really have the same worship of Elune anymore (the Nightborne may still practice to some degree, but its dwindled).
Outside of Race and there being surviving members of the same generation from 10k years ago … there isn’t a lot of major cultural similarities between the NB and NE sub-species of Elves anymore. The Nightborne really did have more in common (cultural priority-wize) with their shorter-lived cousins than they did with their “siblings” within the current Kaldorei people.
One went WAY towards the natural world, the other went even further towards the Arcane than they already where. Its just how it is …
Overall, Blizzard does a pretty good story. Or we wouldn’t all be wasting our time here talking about it.
But yeah I disagree with most of the rest of what you’ve said OP. Forsaken are wonderful, though I prefer the Before the Storm representation of Forsaken who’ve not fully become moustache-twirling villains. And Nightborne make a lot of sense in the Horde from a diplomatic standpoint - a real life Australian diplomat even did an extensive post analysing it. So… yeah. Makes sense to me, lad. The Horde’s in a good place membership-wise, but it’s good to see a return of the classics like Saurfang and Thrall
I miss the Forsaken prior to Cataclysm. When they occupied hollowed out rotting former human architecture. It made them mysterious and cool. Ever since Cataclysm when Blizzard gave the Forsaken this Tim Burton Disney type of architecture and made them want to blight everything in their path and use this as some kind of commanding role in the Horde is when I lost interest in them.
The real fake Horde is Horde who prefer Sylvanas and Elves from 1 expansion ago over Saurfang, Baine and Thrall. Especially Blood Elf paladins. I’m glad Blizzard is taking steps to fixing this mistake. The faster Sylvanas is removed from the Warchief position the better and stronger the Horde becomes.
I’d argue that they were also more humanised after Cataclysm. For a long while they were just lurking in old human buildings, but their motives were purely revenge. Their motives post-Cataclysm became the restoration of their homeland, which is far more interesting.
yeah, you don’t get to decide what a Horde fan looks like, based purely on your own opinion. You prefer one aspect of the Horde. Neat. Others prefer Elves and/or Forsaken. We’re all Horde - we just look at them through a different lens.