Thank you Blizzard

I mean you can run like +8 keys and get heroic raid gear anyway

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Group loot is personal loot with a different interface. Enjoy your change.

Personal loot sucked.

Not quite sure Blizzard doesn’t just say: “Screw it, use whatever loot system you want” and allow Group & Master, however.

For organized guilds, yes.

For pugs and LFR, it was perfect.

It’s almost like One Size Fits All is what sucks.


someone doesn’t understand how the game works :))


You’re right, someone doesn’t.

The Blizzard Shill Force is out in full force in regard to these changes, apparently. Thankfully, they don’t appear to be amassing in a number of any real significance.

Anyone who otherwise isn’t aware of just how bad this can get
don’t worry, you’ll learn soon enough. The problems only begin with the loot system being put back into place. For those who do, remember Dragon Soul LFR? Yeah, I’d love to avoid repeating that.


They’re extremely different.

Personal Loot = Boss drops 5 things for 5 people in the party based on their Loot Preferences.

Group Loot = Boss drops 5 random things from his loot table and you roll on what you want.

In Personal Loot, your comp doesn’t matter. A team of 20 paladins will get 5 potential upgrades. In Group Loot, the boss is happy to give that same team Cloth, Leather & Mail drops. Gearing is now definately going to be slower and now comp dependent. If there’s only 10% leather users, you’ll get proportionately more drops. If half your raid is Evokers, your progression will slow to a crawl.


Oh how wrong you are.

Poor soul.

This could actually be game breaking.

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Utterly meaningless in functional outcome. Relies only on balance from Blizzard’s end.

You’re completely immune to logic.


But they’re not balancing it.

On top of the psychological factor. Under PL, if someone else got loot, the game gave it to him, completely outside of their control. Under GL, that upgrade that dropped, that only you can actually use as an upgrade, and that someone else rolls need on, is purely on that player “stealing” your loot.

Perception of winners in PL vs GL is different and this leads to player anger, and often is the cause of toxicity.

For pug environments, giving the game full reign of loot distribution is the only way to get an appearance of fairness.

I agree, but perception is the fault of the player as much as it is Blizzard. Don’t get me wrong; they shouldn’t have changed to group loot from personal, but the difference is going from a 1 to a 10 on a scale of 100.

No u.

There’s no point arguing with people who are dumber than you. So I won’t. It was addressed at length in many threads yesterday. Group loot and personal loot are functionally very similar.

Literally everyone responding to you is telling you you’re wrong.

NOPE, vanila tbc wotlk cata were all popular expansions and they had gp loot and master loot :slight_smile: for that matter i dont remember many loot problems :slight_smile:

In this case, it’s entirely Blizzard’s fault. They know what GL does, we’ve had it before. By reintroducing it instead of a system that simply works for pugs and LFR, they are actively injecting toxicity in the game.

I don’t blame the players who will get angry nor do I blame the players who will click need on anything they can click need on.

Oh no. Whatever will I do. People who are wrong are telling me I am wrong. Oh, the humanity.

If I tell you 1+1=3, does that mean 1+1=3?

Edit: Don’t bother responding, I don’t care.

Well personally, whenever 3-4 people tell me I’m misinterpreting a situation, I give it a second thought rather than tell everyone else they’re dumb and I’m smart.

Assuming I’m the smart one in that situation would be the kinda thing a moron does. :slight_smile:

Have a great evening.

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You’re right. I would. But then, when coming to the same conclusion, I also am able to trust the facts of the matter rather than the opinions of the irrational.

Bless your heart. Have a great night.