I’ve made several high elf threads over the years. Heck, I was the one to make the first high elf thread after void elves were announced, the one that cascaded into that forum avalanche.
While I still have issues with void elves (where’s their lore, Blizz), and high elves are probably never coming, my character finally look like I imagined her to be. After all these years asking and complaining, it’s good to see something came out of it.
So, thank you, Blizzard!

I mean, I’m still bitter that Blood Elves feel a little less special now …
But I’m honestly glad you guys are happy. Your new High Elf looks great!
(Now just give me Dark Rangers and San’Layn for Blood Elves, and we’ll call it a day.)
Character looks cool. I like it. I’d prefer just a smaller adjustment to a more natural ginger redhead in the hair color and a more true elegant hair style that VE unfortunately doesn’t have but you can only use what you have and that would be a similar vision for my character.
I don’t think Blizzard deserves thanks though. They should’ve delivered so much more than they actually end up delivering. They starve fans of content to the point we’re just grateful for anything it’s not something to be praised in my opinion.
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I do think blood elves are in need of love and some uniqueness.
Considering void elves just received ported assets, no new hairstyles or unique options, I hope Blizzard seizes the opportunity to improve both blood and void elves when they decide to improve on any of them.
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I understand the feeling, but I feel we need to give them feedback when they do something in the right direction. It doesn’t mean I’m fully satisfied, but I do feel grateful.
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I wasn’t one of the people clamoring for high elf… but I do like having appearance options…
I love my High Elf, too bad the game mechanics bored me and in December my Subscription ends and I won’t be back 
Now I’m full playing Stalker Call of Pripyat 
The covenant cosmetic mogs being now available to all characters (as long as you reach Prestige 80) gave me a nice goal for the time being.
Honestly, I still find it so crazy that Blizz didn’t just add High Elves. Like, High elves have been a thing longer than Blood Elves have in lore, definitely have a higher population than Void Elves, and I feel like actual High Elves might have helped the faction imbalance. But they just decided to make up a random new race instead of just giving us High Elves. Lol. I get the ‘issue’ of them looking to similar to Blood elves, but if they just got a different standing pose that would really set them apart. I hope we get ACTUAL High elves some day!! 
It took YEARS, what on gods earth are you thanking them for?
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Yeah, I still want to learn the story behind it all. No dev names needed, just how the hell they managed to reach this decision. Of all allied races, void elves were the only one that came out of nowhere and got no lore at all to flesh them out. All the other races had their questing zones, recruitment campaign, complementary comics/cinematics, unique visuals and so on, but void elves? They just got a quick 5-minute scenario and then some gossip text in BfA. We are almot at 5 years since their debut, and they got almost no lore yet!