Thalyssra And Lor’themar’s Wedding. Would You Go?

Whether receiving a formal invitation or over hearing some best buds planning to crash the event would you go?

For free food, just skip the wine because don’t know whose feet pressed the grapes, and high chance of drunk people fighting, I’m going.


Yeah about that. After everything we did for thalyssra I don’t recall an invite at all pretty messed up if you ask me.


They were mine. That’s why I was sent to the vineyards in Legion, She planned all along for there to be a wedding and made me make wine for it.

Don’t worry, I bathe and clean my feet regularly.

Also alcohol does a pretty good job of killing anything bad.

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If I don’t get the invite, I’m going to crash it. I’ve risked life and limb with both of them, so they better remember me and not just invite the ‘important’ people.

Ever feel like you are the highest paid cannon fodder in the game? :rofl:


Yeah I’d definitely go. They should have had at least an optional side quest for it.


Sure, why not but in actuality it would be a

I would be doing the Alliance a favor.


I would decline. I never wanted this “ship” to sail…

Valtrois for Grand Magistrix!


…Still skipping the wine. But thanks for taking the time to put on a disguise to stomp some grapes.

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But you’d also be nuking some Alliance leaders and possibly starting another war. Which would make you a villain!


Some times one has to be the bad guy to save others from making the hard choices.


Best motivation I’ve ever heard from a villain.

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nope, and if blizz wanted me to care about thalyssra they wouldn’t have made me play through a long, complicated questline, have her declare she and her people owe me a debt they “can never repay” and them immediately sign up to the horde and participate whole-heartedly in the war because “tyrande wasn’t very friendly :(”

hope your wedding cake gives you 10,000 years of diarrhoea, thalyssra. <3


Kaelynara Sunchaser and lor’themar for best couple.

I don’t understand why people ship fictional characters.

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It would have been nice if Tyrande had been invited as a peace offering for what she and the night elves have been through. But then the tension would be so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Because we know the characters better then the writers! Just kidding. When you have a character you like you just want for them to have the best match.

(Though they’re some fans who take it to far when the author, the person who created the characters and stories, doesn’t make the pairing that they want. Which then can make the fandom look toxic.)

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Feet wine is best wine. I’d go.


Are we talking would I go? Or would Shadina go?

If we’re asking if I would go, meh. Don’t care. I love both of them but meh.

Shadina I could see going but as a formality, and not because she really wanted to be there.


Lmao, I don’t even go to IRL weddings, imagine a fake one.


Of course I’d go, all the Blood Elves would want to go. Question is, will they give us a quest for the wedding?

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