Textures flickering - ongoing issue

For a good week or so, I’ve had an issue where opening the preview panel or character panel on anything causes my character’s horns to start flickering rapidly. When I close the panel, suddenly other textures around start flickering the same way, all at the same time.

Examples of textures that have been flickering include certain mount skins, typically things such as the manes on horses/the Hearthsteed, various shrubs and bushes around Zul’dazar, and certain waterfalls around the world.

It’s also sometimes causing bosses to flicker rapidly like that too and it’s becoming increasingly annoying to have to look at. Rebooting the game will SOMETIMES reset it, but not always.

This is only a problem in WoW as far as I can tell. Other games are not doing this same thing.


Howdy Dubor,

We’ve seen some texture flicking when using directx 12. Lets try swapping to directx 11 and see if they go away.

Launch the game and sign into any character then:

Graphics API, swap this box to DX11.

If this step doesn’t help lets get a DXDAIG so we can get a better look into this for you.


(Please put it in code blocks to make it easier to read. To do that past the report in a chat box. Then right click “Select All”-should highlight everything. Next click on the little </> symbol on the bar above the chat box.)


Switching did seem to do it. Is there any reason why it would have started happening, though? I’d not had an issue before just a little while ago with this sort of thing. Maybe an update to my driver?

I just wanna make sure it’s not a sign of something more serious, like RAM issues.

Hey hey Dubor,

It’s an issue that’s been coming and going. It could be the drivers you’re currently on though. I personally had it pop up out of nowhere as well so you’re not alone in this instance.

Thankfully we have it pretty much narrowed down to an issue with DX12, WoW, and graphics cards just not talking right so you shouldn’t need to worry about anything else in the computer having issues. The Dev’s are working to get this sorted out so DX12 can be used more reliably in WoW.


Thank you for the knowledgeable and swift response, Joynueer. Yeah, I figured it would be driver related, but it’s good to know it’s a known issue. Appreciate it!

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Howdy Dubor!

You’re very welcome! Thank you for working with us and letting us know things worked out. Have a great rest of your weekend!


I’m glad that I’m not the only one. I thought I was going nuts. I switched it back to DX11.


So as of 2021 I’m still having this issue. Are there any fixes to remain within DX12?


Assuming you’re using Nvidia graphics hardware and the most recent Nvidia drivers (post-Cyberpunk 2077 release), no. Not reliably, anyway.

If this is your case, this would be a completely separate issue from what arose a year ago and resurrecting this thread isn’t productive. I recommend reading through the main thread on the Nvidia issue:

I have been having this issue for a couple months now, I have AMD drivers so no fix yet? It is really, really frustrating that it has been going on this long and still no fix for the issue??

I have switched to directx11 HOWEVER this works like crap on my machine, directx12 was smooth and played well, aside from the annoying graphic bugs, directx11 is laggy and jittery and plays horribly on my computer. Can we get a fix for this issue please?


If you’re using an AMD card then any flickering would not be related to a driver issue, unlike what is happening with the Nvidia drivers.

I’d recommend submitting a ticket and including your system files so we can work with you one-on-one to troubleshoot the flickering.

Going to close this thread since it’s from 2019 and the original issue would be different than the new reports.