Tetrachromancer drop chance

A lot of people on the forums and on wowhead have been saying stuff about this. just posting again here to get more attention to it. The low drop chances on the companion colors are so low that it is statistically improbable that anyone only now working on the meta achievement will be able to get it.

Please make this achievement easier to obtain or remove it from the meta

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I’m just wondering… is the achievement THAT really hard to get?
I haven’t been focused on getting all the colors abd I unexpectedly got the achievement some days ago.

Thanks to bringing light about the Meta achievement. I had no idea about it, and now I want to do all the other ones (I have ZERO progress on the Disgruntled Hunter one :P)

I will bring every ounce of attention to this. How is I can’t get the last one, even having done literal hundreds of hunts. either the drop rate needs to increase significantly, or make it available to buy with trophies at max rep. both of those seem to be super reasonable options. certainly more reasonable than a 0.4% drop chance

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I am so tired of farming this, I need to colors that seem impossible: Black and White. It has been months since I got my last color. These just won’t drop for me.

For anyone seeing this I’d like to let you know the best way to get it. The first hunt each week will give an epic bag, next a rare, then an uncommon. Use all your alts that have at least renown 5 with the maruuk and do 3 hunts on each of them. By doing this i was able to get 2 colors in one week and now I just need 1 more. I have only ever seen one drop from a common spoils, most of mine from dropped from the epics and rares.

No, it’s just tedious.

RNG saying hello to you when you open your bag (of ANY color (being purple, blue, green and white) has a … i think 1% chance according to WoWHead.¨

1.8% chance from epic bag.
1.2% chance from rare bag.
0.4% chance from uncommon and common bag(that you can still farm common bag)

I started making lvl 60 trial characters after running all 16 of my lvl 70s through 3 hunts each (purple/blue/green bags) every week, and finally got the last color to drop. There is still hope!

But they really need to make the ability to buy them, or have bad luck protection, or just increase the drop chance… Having RNG be the ONLY thing holding back someone from completion is just meh feeling.

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I got this by complete accident the other day. Didn’t even know it was account wide. But I definitely got super lucky - I haven’t exactly been spamming hunts week after week.

Now you can only work on it 1/3 weeks didn’t session 4