Tethercoils are no longer dropping

for the lego quest the tethers are no longer dropping when we kill rares. multiple people in chat are having the same issue

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Yes, this is happening to me as well since the small update earlier. Killed about 10 rares/elites and they have stopped dropping. 34/50 on the quest. Was working fine earlier today.

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Just ran into the bug, stuck at 31/50. tether does not go away after mob is killed and no quest item. tried dropping the quest and picking it back up, it didnt help

I am also having this issue. I’ve correctly killed Gnarl, Igira and Volc on normal and then tried Gnarl and Igira on LFR with nothing giving credit.

Same here. Tether is just stuck on me and the boss’ dead body, regardless how many attempts or what difficulty.
Got to love it…