Testing of Same-Faction Battlegrounds Will Continue

yeah they’ve been jerking us around from the start, exactly. turn it back on. 64343 alliance raiders, 1245 queueing right now. 1.9% of alliance might get upset if you turn it back on. you can’t collect data if it’s turned off.

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if the do this. they just make new account to boost. maybe this is the hidden agenda behind the whole thing. they make more money alliance buying the new horde account boost.

We have interviewed 85% of our pvp player base … and the over-whelming feedback is they love it (and we love them!)
We didn’t bother with requesting feedback from the minority 15% player base… they don’t matter.

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This change sucks, address the core issue which is faction imbalance. Offer free horde to alli transfers only. Your destroying game immersion and it’s such an easy solution


they could make just as much money if not more by implementing faction transfers. more people would be likely to transfer a character they’ve put time into than they would rerolling from 58. chances are the people running things are just incompetent. history definitely supports that line of reasoning.

Your math is wrong. For every 1x the alliance population in queue, there is 1 BG length for their queue, plus a constant time to find enough players. So if there are 1500 horde players and 1000 alliance players for a 30min BG that’s 15min plus a bit in queue. To reach 1hr there would have to be 3x more horde than alliance.

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this is awesome i hope all alliance switch horde. horde is the place to be. when enough people swap to horde side their que times will increase. then they will want alliance back but the damage will be done.

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The pvp player base is such that horde do outnumber alliance significantly. 3:1 feels about right or maybe even slightly lite. Blizzard has made it so.

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I agree but that’s not on the table and don’t look like it will be.

nah they took the feedback and discarded it because nobody that disagrees with the change can form a coherent argument on why it shouldnt be added. all i see are people complaining that they didnt roll horde essentially or should have just rolled or xferred to a pve server

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Release the real numbers you cowards

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Would it be possible to get some actual numbers instead of anecdotes about how “things got better”?

  • How many same Faction BGs took place?
  • How many opposite faction BGs took place?
  • What were player trends in server transfers over the data collection period?

the whole test was built to ensure there would be no feedback from alliance. It is, and always has been, one way traffic. The game was originally built for two factions… one only is surviving because Blizzard can’t solve the underlying issues they themselves have created.
You have your problem fixed… enjoy it …


Thanks, we really went after it.

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squeaky wheel gets the grease… make more threads on alliance faction imbalance

How many times do I have to say it … Blizzard ignore alliance. The horde are their baby.

Yeah the immersion aspect (with no opt out) REALLY bothers me. I’m glad I have my ally to play where I can almost always get alliance vs horde games or I’d consider quitting PVPing completely. I did a lot of PVP in Classic and I like WoW PVP. It’s just fighting horde vs horde in BGs built around a faction war the opposite of fun to me.

I’d be ok with the horde to ally transfers and wish they’d at least try it first.

Thank you so much! Please Keep it permanent!!!


Force horde premades to focus HvH games.


any premade should be prioritized into playing other premades. that should be the case in any game that allows for it. the advantages that comes with being a premade almost guarantee you the win over an uncoordinated group.