Terran Gregory. So much love to Night Elves.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about the afterlife on Azeroth. Does everyone who doesn’t get a special Naaru escort wind up going to the Hell that Sylvannas witnessed?

If that’s the case, that may very well explain the willingness of those night elves to accept Sylvannas’ “gift” or mages that embrace lichdom.

The quote from Wolfheart is just a summary of what happened in Stormrage, the actual novel that covers the ordeal.

I wonder if other night elves are as blind as you are.

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Yeah… and you know what it says?

Ahem… "

Fixed it.

No, because the Night Elves are protected by Elune, and the new lore to come out of BfA is that they HAVE to be willing to be raised (Which contradicts Nelf DKs) and their faith in Elune needs to be compromised before they can be raised at all.

So yes, Darkshore completely ruins our lore, and is a direct attack on the race as a whole.

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And what does “protected by Elune” mean? As both Sira and Tyrande point out… it means “damm little”. The only thing that Elune could manage to do with Teldrassil burning was to ease the passing of those doomed to die. There’s absoutely no lore about Elune and the afterlife. So you don’t have a case of “lore being ruined”. Sylvannas is the only character in WOW history who’s truly died and come back as a witness to what it’s like.

Yes there is. The Here After is the space Wisps occupy. Quite literally HERE AFTER death. Furthermore, we have seen Elune lift Ysera AND Kaldorei in Darkshore, up to the sky to become stars, which is consistent with Kaldorei legend.

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Wisps however are not supernatural creatures that occupy some sort of afterlife dimension. They’re more like positive undead, dead Night Elves instead of moving on have become a different part of the natural world. (This is another area btw where the RPG books got it completely wrong.) Wisps themselves after all can die… or self-detonate.

The Here After is still one layer of the Kaldorei afterlife.

We have absolutely no lore of the afterlife save for Sylvannas’s excursion into it. No other character has fully died and come back to bear witness. It should be noted that not all dying night elves become wisps.

No, they can sometimes become stars.

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Or it’s just lights being arranged in a memorial pattern. It doesn’t really describe an afterlife existence. There’s nothing that SHOWS or even tells about that.

No, it describes their souls being lifted up to be transferred into stars.

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I’m pretty sure if asked, Ysera and the Night Elves would have preferred the kind of assistance that would have kept the mistress of the Green Flight alive.

Deities are not servants of their worshipers. You don’t put your faith in a higher power based on how often they kiss your insignificant behind.

The point is that you make a big deal of the fact that Yesera got changed into a constellation. That’s all fine and pretty but it didn’t change the fact that we lost a powerful force for good and nature when we needed it most. Ysera becoming a pretty set of stars was bupkis against Xavius and his demonic allies. Elune was also from our character’s point of view, TOTALLY ABSENT when her people needed her most during the burning of Teldrassil and the Horde marching up Ashenvale and Darkshore. And even from the player’s point of view, Elune’s aid was nothing contributory towards saving her “chosen” people. At this point, Drahliana would be more than happy for her to go choose someone else. It’s really hard to refute the point that Sira was making when she was still alive and on our side.

But we defeated the Nightmare and the Legion… So clearly we didn’t need her.

No, she let her people pass painlessly without burning to death. She was not totally absent.

Just because she didn’t fall from the sky and put out the flames with a giant tidal wave from her super hero landing, doesn’t mean she wasn’t there.

It doesn’t need to be… The Kaldorei do not beg Elune for help, they honor her with their actions. Because as I said, deities are not servants to mortals. Its the other way around. And as of right now, she IS helping her chosen people.

Then Drahliana is a weak Nelf.

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Maybe you should have listened to Tyrande. She’d pretty much reached her limit with Elune as well. She wasn’t ASKING for a boon from Elune, she was bloody well DEMANDING it.

Going to call her weak too?

And again, what Elune did for the population of Teldrassil is totally unknown by any who survived.

Yes, because that’s how Elune works. There are roots to European Paganism with Elune, who stand on Equal footing with mortals. You don’t beg for aid, you earn it with your actions, convictions nd determination.

Elune is not a deity for weak people. Those who forsake her lack the strength to worship.

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A few notes for both of you.

Currently Tyrande made demands of Elune and was successful in making those demands.

Ysera was pivotal in defeating Xavius even after her death, and despite Elune making Ysera (or perhaps just her body) into a constellation Ysera’s spirit is still found in the Dream.

Ironically, with your choice of the darkened eyes, lore wise your character is fighting on behalf of Elune.


That’s all well and good in a world where the gods are all fiction… and blind faith never really receives a comeuppance.

But in a world where magic is real and spirit beings CAN be called upon for assistance, and such assistance is generally forthcoming, your smugness rings a bit hollow.

But they aren’t…

It’s worked out for the Kaldorei so far…
