Terran Gregory. So much love to Night Elves.

Ah yes you did.

Maybe you are the one who has very poor memory

inb4 you edit it out and make up some poor excuse for doing so

It wasn’t his resentment that lead to his villainization, it was his insanity. So no… I didn’t.

I understand that nuance can be confusing.

You literally said that his resentment may have paved the way for his madness (aka insanity). Are you that blind to your own words?

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It’s lame that there pushing to raise nightelves imo. Rumor has it only to make wardens avaiable to both horde and alliance. Since next expansion is said to release another class. Yet they can’t give faction identity anymore. Allowing both factions to have same classes. I hope that this is what helps to infect and kill wow itself. It’s the lame writing , added to the other issues bfa has. Rng,class changes, pointless Q&A’s , lack of flying , etc. In previous expansions we didn’t have to deal with bad writing as much. Danuser has seen to it that bfa has lots of it. Personally , I say anyone considering resubbing back should wait for 8.3 and judge from it.

I don’t wish that upon my own enemies. It is a horrible book that’s only saving grace is that it wasn’t as bad as Stormrage.

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May have…

And even then, understand that his motivations were not his own. His resentful feelings were simply the hook for the Whispers to take control.

His resentment -may have- paved the way for his madness, but it wasn’t his overall motivation. He did not logically and willingly submit himself to the enemy like Delaryn and Sira… The Whispers slow ate away at his mind until the darkness consumed him… Which is how the Void works.

Just because you lack the reasoning skills to come to this conclusion yourself, doesn’t mean what I have said contradicts my point.

You know what… fair point.

Your original position was that he suddenly went “LOL OLD GOD MINION” for no reason. Now you are saying that his resentment towards tyrande and Malfurion was the spark that sent him down that path. Which was what I was saying in the first place.

So again, thank you for agreeing with me.


No, you said it was his main motivation. You made the claim that he wasn’t mad.

Either way, it’s about as Villian bat as you can get, putting Garrosh to shame. Fandral literally went from Wise Kaldorei druid who values tradition, to an incoherent, blabbering buffoon, driven looney by the whispers from beyond the dark veil.

Read. Wolfheart.

I never said he wasn’t mad. Just saying that there was a reason for his downfall. Like how Neltharion seeing his “gift” by the titans as a curse is what led to his decent into madness. (Charge of the aspects short story)

Also the book that goes into Fandral is Stormrage, not Wolfheart. Wolfheart focuses on the Gilneas wanting back into the Alliance, Maiev going on a highborne killing spree and the opening faction conflicts in Ashenvale.

You can’t even get your own sources correct.

It was the reason for his downfall… Madness was the downfall for him as well as Neltharion. The Void is responsible for that.

Speak for yourself.

“Fandral however, was no longer in control of his own actions. Rather, he was an unwitting pawn and puppet” Wowpedia/Fandral Staghelm. Citation: Wolfheart, Chapter 1…


So why do you keep arguing that it isn’t? The moment I suggested it, you were saying “NO IT ISN’T”, while also saying it is. Make up your own damn mind.

Oh wow, 1 sentence in the first chapter of a book that is set AFTER the events of Stormrage, which goes into the Emerald Nightmare, the corruption of Teldrissal etc.

i’m so rekted…

I’m not… You are. lol.

It hasn’t been terribly difficult.

To your credit though, those books are awful.

This makes no sense. After all, i’m the one who originally brought up the idea that his hatred for Tyrande and later Malfurion were the catalysts for his decent into madness. You originally said that he just fell to madness for no reason other than “villain bat”. It was clear during Vanilla that he was going to get the villain bat based on his dialogue.

Now you are saying that YOU came up with it, while saying that I didn’t. At this point you are trolling.

The only one getting rekted is you. You keep flip floping on your arguments to the point that you are basically trolling.

Only those who lose arguments resort to such childish behavior.

Should’ve known, you play on moonguard. Go back to the sewer known as the RP forums.


Humans and Elves get more lore and spotlight than all the other Alliance races.

Yep, this really is MoP 2.0. :grin:

I never said that.

You, by the virtue of starting an argument with me, made the claim that Fandral’s actions weren’t the result of his madness, and were instead fueled by his own ambitions and resentment of Tyrande and Malfurion. Which is objectively wrong. His was made a pawn of the Void, expressly said in Wolfheart.

Just because you can’t keep up with me doesn’t mean I am flip flopping.

Then you made references to his “sudden” insantiy from “wolfheart”

You agreed with me that his decent to madness was his resentment towards Tyrnade and Malfurion for their inaction during the war of the shifting sands, however you stuck to your belief that blizzard hit him with the villain bat for no reason. Even going so far as to step back from agreeing that his decent was his resentment.

That is the definition of flip flopping.

I never said that he wasn’t mad. All I said was that his decent to madness was because of those reasons. In fact, the death of his granddaughter is the hook he used to bring his daughter in law into the druids of the flame. Showcasing his hatred towards Malfurion because of his masters inaction against the horde.

I provided reasons to his decent to madness because what you said was false. I even made the comparison to Neltharions own regrets of becoming the aspect of earth because he felt his powers was a curse, which is what the Old Gods exploited.

Also being made a pawn doesn’t equal “I’m evil now cause villain bat”. His resentment for Tyrande was the hook, like how Loken killing Sif was the hook Yogg-saron needed to start his prison escape. After the death of his granddaughter did he fully side with the old gods, blaming Tyrande and Malfurion for it. Because he lost the only thing left that reminded him of his son.


I noted the possibility.


I never stepped back

Even -if- his fall was rooted in his resentment for Tyrande and Malfurion, it was still his insanity that motivated his actions. It is as said: “Fandral however, was no longer in control of his own actions. Rather, he was an unwitting pawn and puppet”

…. How?

You saw fit to disagree with me when I said it. I am just waiting to see how long it takes you to figure out how pointless of a conversation this is. Since, you are arguing nothing it seems.

What I disagreed with was your reasoning, not that he was mad.

I just quoted you (twice) proving that you did.

And you’re wrong, because Wolfheart expressly says otherwise.

… but neither of those quotes show that…