Terenas Alliance Reconnections

Guilds: Calgary Highlanders, Claiomh an Highlanders, Eternal Keggers

Hey :slight_smile:

I figured I’d post on my hunter that I never play!

Talking with other EK members and I think we’re going to roll on Pagle. I’m not sure how many folks will stick around, but that’s the current plan :smiley:


Karishna - Dwarf Paladin Main guild was The Deadly Blades (I think that was the name)
Used to run with Peekabo, Wulfgar, Venomancer, that crew
Anyone remember Universe - Gnome Mage, that guy was a trip, big PVPer
My brother was Sanzibar - Warlock, he’s still around

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fredbsd comeing back and sin woot.
I was in

hi fred it is ret

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I remember you. ret

Who are you people again?

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I was in a leveling guild (can’t remember the name) with this guy when I was still learning the game and he would help me out. The name always stuck with me and I wondered where he ended up.

Nice! I’m glad to see the name is still around at least. I left in late Lich King after the merger with Praetorian Guard didn’t seem to be panning out.

Mullet - Gnome Warrior and Gentleman.

Looking to say hey to just about anyone from those days.

Ill be on Pagle. =)


I remember you.

I’m on same toon as always, was stubbornly holy until MoP

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Kitti?!? of Talon of the Phoenix?!?! I know you!

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Heyo! Let’s see if I was cool enough for people to remember. Lots of nostalgia reading the names in this thread!

Played this character, Undoiss - NE Hunter (aka Undies), mostly in Tel Sindavathar. Serenion was the guild leader. I was just a young lad then and would love to reconnect and know how everyone is doing these days!

P.S. found old guild application forms while doing some searches of the guild names…are those even a thing anymore?

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I know you too Mullet/Guts lol

I wasn’t in Talon though until…um, when was that created again? yeah, shortly after that Christmas I think.

Pagle FTW

Completely stoked for Classic

Hoping to touch base with some old guildies.
Jaken Holy/Ret Paladin
Tel Sindavathar (SP Can’t Remember)
and Joined Gamblers around AQ20

I was the noisey dude that would always pipe up on Team Speak to heal the M/tank

Sefroth NE Warrior
Minishaddar Gnome Mage
Seffroth Worgen DK
Earthlia NE Druid
Adorelia NE Rogue

Played with :
Holy Guardians
Gladius De Dues

Seen a few on here we used to team up with from Calgary Highlanders and Shadow Allegience


I think I just saw your mage while I was questing in Darkshore with my buddy :smiley:

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Murderbyme, Dwarf Pally, Guild Offtime, was great people to be around hope to get back into touch with them hit me up on bnet Murderbyme#1916

Good memories! Opera non Verba, Gladius de Deus, EK, Horadrim, has member from my first guild I join, KoDF. KoDF no longer exist but the memories. Knights of Dragonfire was also part of SGA. If i recall there were four or five “Wind”, Windblade(me), Windsong, Windlace, Windforce.

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Coming back for Classic, pretty excited - Warrior Justforkix. Rolling Horde this time around on Fairbanks. Might be persuaded to shift =)

Setting up shop in AV/WSG :roll_eyes:

Founder of Revelation miss the old crew: Artel, Juan, Lucann, Rodwise, Voxx, Gween, Arrican, Knightmares, Heljal, Edwardgreat, Olly etc

I see a few names from the past. Looking forward to server open.


Engine, Gnome warlock

Vision, Hitmen.

I tried out for Stehlen Life once, it was a BWL raid. But I had to leave mid-raid because my mom sent me to bed. Sorry for that.