Temporary Sharding

You call the people who understand Blizzard’s logic for utilizing sharding idiots, and then you post this. How are you going to build relationships with those players while the servers are crashing and you’re all going in and out of login queues? Think before you post, please.

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well it does work around the sharding issue. you’d still get to make friendships on whichever one you were on. just think of it like blizz running an ad campaign and now a bunch of new players have started playing.

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The question on this one is what do you do once the initial rush dies down and a bunch of people leave, which results in some servers effectively becoming dead servers.

If you’re going to merge at that point, it’s not really any different from what Hyperspace suggested except you wont know before hand who you’re being merged with.

and just telling them “you lost the server lottery, too bad. Deal with it” is a terrible solution.

Yeah well I’d rather the integrity of the game remain intact than to see it diminished because some people are impatient and or antisocial and can’t wait or group up with others to get things done.


Having 500 people in a starting zone is going to propagate antisocial behavior.

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Pservers have been dealing with it for years… why can’t the multi billion dollar company like blizzard do it??


Classic isn’t a private server, if you want the private server launch experience then why are you here?

Plus private servers still suffer from dead realms as people rush to the fresh servers.

Lightshope had to merge a bunch of servers into a single one that can barely even maintain 500-1000 players per faction.

Yeah my point exactly… blizzard should have the resources to one or 10 up the pservers yet they are taking 10 steps back from them


Last time I checked lights hope (yesterday) there were 8k people on when I logged in


On this we can agree. I would rather “deal with” server crashes and queues than sharding.

IF Blizzard feels that sharding is absolutely necessary, though, would prefer that they look into the feasibility of “stable shards” or subservers rather than simply shard the population into oblivion.

the difference is, pservers up the spawn rate of mobs.

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True, which brings in problems of its own

if the merge happens after a week or two, you’ll still be in process of alt creation, maybe? i know i will. hehe. so some folks will make one char and rush headlong into the next area and some will be running the starting areas on different toons. if the merge happens early in the game’s opening, it should feel pretty natural to have waves of new players. it wont be as if they open the servers, then merge 10 months later.

Lightshope consists of multiple realms.

Northdale is the popular one, because it just opened earlier this year.

Lightbringer is what every other realm was merged into, and only has ~360 people on the Alliance right now.

They also up the spawn rate of gathering nodes, which can result in things like 10-15 herbalism nodes all spawning at once.

That could be an idea. Launch with servers that have subservers you can choose to log in from and then over the course of the next week or so, close them off before players reach level cap.

Stormrage 1
Stormrage 2
Stormrage 3

You can then choose with your friends where you want to log into, a week later Stormrage 1,2 and 3 disappear and it’s just Stormrage.

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Yep, I was talking about north dale… I also have characters on the other server…

and how do you propose that Blizzard deals with servers that end up like the other ones that are effectively dead?

Does blizzard use physical servers or? I’m not sure how their servers are setup… that would be a lot of wasted resources if they would have to run a server for each subserver

Not sure why you think that’s any different than what I stated. It’s still server merges. Something Blizzard does not do and is vehemently hated by the players.

Dress it up all you like but it’s still the same thing.