Temporary Screen Freezing

Yesterday, for a couple of hours, while running some mythic plus, etc, my game play was not smooth. The screen seemed to be freezing for half a second or so at somewhat regular intervals of maybe every ten to thirty seconds or so. Does anyhow know what might be causing this?

Same issue here, for about 3 weeks now, and it can cause DCs too, which stinks for a guild tank. Reliability has been poor from my game experience lately. It always seem to happen during a cast or loot, or start of a pull or lust.

Try lowering your graphics a notch or two. Say 7 down to a 6 or 5. This worked for me.

Thanks for your replies. Regarding graphics settings, that could help, but my computer is a powerhouse and is running wow at nowhere near what it can do so while that could help, the source of the problem is maybe a network, driver, or Windows issue or something like that that is at the root of the problem.

Take a look at this topic. A lot of peeps have this issue.

Just open bnet app

The go to your wow installation folder

Logs folder

Right click hotfix and tooltip, then properties

Put both files to read only, apply and ok.

Launch the game

But after you exit the game the bnet app will update the game reverting this, meaning you will have to do this everytime u want to play again…

A solution to thia is loading wow from wow.exe inside wow folder

Ps: retail folder

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