Temporary Freeze at Loading Screens


I have been having a recurring issue with Classic WoW having extended load times. Essentially, the game will temporarily freeze at the following intervals: loading character screen, loading into the game (freeze at 100%), and at any time the loading screen needs to load (continent travel, instance, etc.). The freeze will start small (1-5 seconds) and will grow over time to 30-45 seconds.

After completely resetting my entire UI per Blizzard’s online instructions by deleting my Cache, Interface, and WTF folders. My game will fix itself to fast load times; however, after a few days the loading issues return.

It is caused by the file DBCache.bin growing over time. The only solution is to delete this file.

Please see the following reference where this issue affected players on BFA and Blizzard had to implement a fix on their end, which means it was an issue on their end. Long Load Times (Character Select)
I am having the EXACT same problem with my Classic WoW client. Supposedly, this file continues to grow if you have multiple characters or play on multiple realms. I play on only one realm (Skeram) but I do have many characters (8).

Please note, deleting the cache folder does not fix the problem permanently, but only temporarily. I cannot play the game on a pvp realm if I am taking 30-45 seconds to load when zoning out of an instance and seeing a dead character. My computer is fast and my load times are blistering fast when I freshly remove this annoying file.

According to the BFA reference forum post I pasted up there, Blizzard eventually fixed the issue.

Spoken with a GM and tried the following solutions to no avail:
Confirmed controlled folder access in off position on Win10
New admin account did not resolve either
No issues/speedloss on crystaldiskmark so my SSD is performing correctly.

There has to be others out there having this problem.