So I know I have a bunch of useful tools right, I’ve got a stun and a silence and a fear. A disperse and a fade. I can apply a little amount of passive pressure for a while then every thirty seconds or so I can apply a bit more pressure.
And I know there are no -general- rules, like ‘always x no matter what’. The rules for success are more like ‘if x, use y’, and there are so many to keep track of.
But in terms of tempo is it the Big Boy play to always blow burst when doors open, then wait for mistakes? Or is it better to hold on to your good stuff until the mistakes occur?
How do you force out defensives if you aren’t using your big burst early? If I have used my stun into fear into silence to control the healer out of place, what’s left to control the mage blowing me up?
Solo shuffle. ~1700 bracket. Please and thank you.