When you teleport to the Temple of Purity using the Kyrian teleporters, everything is fine, however if you decide to do the chest for Grateful Offerings, even after you have completed it, the teleport disappears. The only way to fix it is to relog, while this is not necessarily too bad, just figured I’d point out this bug.
glad to know its not just me
You can also fix it by going to another eternal gateway and teleporting to the temple of purity again. although it would be nice if we didn’t have to do that.
yeah I noticed this bug too. However you can just call your steward to open up the anywhere beacon (every 4 hours, can be reduced if using certain soulbind upgrades).
Still a problem, relog worked.
I’ve been running into this issue as well since my teleporter network upgrade. If I run to another teleporter then port back to Temple of Purity there is a usable beacon.
Still an issue. It clearly occurs because the POI there doesn’t reset once you loot the flame. Relogging works but we really shouldn’t need to do that.
Would appreciate a fix on this.
Thanks for the relog tip, that worked!
Reloading the UI also works.
They finally fixed this!!!