Temple of Jade Serpent Heroic - Wise Mari Bugged

Boss is bugged. Doesn’t spawn the Elementals. This makes the entire dungeon unclearable.

Do not queue up for Temple of Jade Serpent. If you get it as your random heroic, enjoy your 30 minute deserter debuff.


Yep can confirm. I alt f4’d out of the game.


Just do the sun side for now then and ignore mari, you can still clear the dungeon ignoring one side.


Totally forgot that you can do that now. You used to have to clear both sides before you could go through.

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Didn’t work for our group that just tried. Still had to go and try and kill Mari, eventually we just quit the dungeon.


Had a group a couple of mintues ago with the same problem. The group I joined had already killed Lorewalker but couldn’t get Mari down cause of the bug. We figured we could run back and continue through the Lorewalker’s room, but the door was shut. :woman_shrugging:

Door on the library side doesnt open unless mari has been killed.


Well that sucks, I guess it’s because we only ever killed Mari and then ignored the library…

Helping the algo here…please fix…can’t run dungeons right now.

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I have also attempted this dungeon as of recently, I was not able to progress because of what is already stated here.

+1. ever since yall did a “hotpatch” this npc has messed up. HOW can you hot patch mobs cause you hate fun, then somehow mess up a dungeon!? ill tell my next group to avoid this boss actually no ill just avoid this dungeon. Good grief blizzard.

Seen this bug twice as well. (Both heroic)

Even though it says 100% shielded.

Technically you can still brute force it.

Killed it both times through shield.

Yes it took a long time.


Ran into this just now, tried wiping to reset and it didn’t help.

Another day another failure added to the list for Remix.

+1 to this error. I thought it was a one-shot error but then I did the battle again and it’s definitely bugged.

In the 2nd run we managed to hear him say “Rise” but nothing happened.

Same. Water boss is bugged. Can’t progress.

On Normal dungeons -

Killed Wise Mari but it took 20 minutes.

Then our tank died to the Jade Serpent boss, essentially was one-shot.

How does this happen? On normal mode? What is going on internally at this company?

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Yes, getting this as well too. Heroic and Normal. We tried the other boss, door wouldn’t open of course. Mari just doesn’t give two craps and wants to stay in his bubble safe place.

Group I was just in say they keep getting this one too as the Random. One person said 5th time in a row. That just sucks and is wasting everyone’s time.

4 attempts on different toons, all bugged out

Yes the fight is bugged

You CAN progress by killing him with the shield up. It took my group 13 minutes just to kill a single boss, obviously you’re probably better off killing library boss and leaving.