Templar vs herald

So I decided to try templar today, and it feels smoother but slower to play vs herald which basically makes it harder to keep up with all my ability cool-downs. which is weird to me since herald is supposed to be more passive then active which herald is. I’m thinking maybe it’s because of a lack of HoW procs and the 5 hp spender making it feel smoother to me. Perhaps herald would feel better with CSAA, but I’m not fan of csaa and prefer TS. Also, I feel I have some more ret talent point freedom with templar since it’s not locked to either holy-strike/radiant damage vs herald which it’s big damage is radiant and makes burning crusade/penitence a must have for it.

What do you guys think of the “smoothness” of the 2 hero specs.

Edit: I just realized penitence also effects empyrean hammer damage… ugh I dislike penitence…

I much prefer Herald and disagree with people who claim it is the passive tree. If anything Templar feels passive to me- its one extra button every 30 seconds and that’s it. Everything else happens behind the curtain.

On the other hand, Herald feels very active to me. It has plus 8 holy power every 30 seconds over Templar, Blessing of Anshe procs, and the healing part you have to actively use. I also like the way it spreads the damage around instead of everything being tied to HoL.

Its a shame they aren’t balanced better.

On my test with ep in the build I seem to use it more then just every 30 seconds.

You including the free dp peocs in the hp count? Bet it is what it seems to me what is clogging up the gcd’s more along with more HoW procs.

Mathematically, csaa is better with Templar (trust me, I did not want to admit that since I love TS) because every 10-ish seconds or so, you can get 5 auto-attacks whereas with TS, you get only 2. That’s 3 more for csaa to keep Higher Calling going. That actually makes a difference.

Really? I don’t know. With Templar, I like that you have to actively manage your generators to keep up Higher Calling going without constantly over-capping HoPo. When I was using Herald, the gameplay seemed so much smother and passive to me.

Is there any actual data that they aren’t balanced? I was under the impression they were both roughly equal and viable.

Icyveins and some players on this forum says templar is more well rounded while herald is weaker in st but ok in AoE.

Templar is WAY better in aoe and ST.

In st you get free proc with your stack, which when you stack with Execute Sentence is really strong

In AOE when you stack over 30% crit you can deal 6-8M+ on big pull in M+, with Herald you can’t.

Skill ceiling is way higher with Templar with the management of your Hammer stack + empyrean uptime

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I started as Herald while leveling and early delves around level 580 i felt super weak. switched to templar and I felt immediately more powerful and haven’t changed back

And it gets WAY ahead with 30%+ crit due to the talent on empyrean

I love herald because it flows better, there is no down time, its playstyle is faster, different talents are not competing for holy power, and everything just fits right. It is a much better designed tree.
Templar is slow. It lacks fluidity. Holy hammer fights with other talents for holy power. Its significantly reliant on 30%+ crit, which means a literal change in gearing.
I have nothing against templar and it is stronger, but herald is a much better designed hero tree. By far.

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Yes. Between HoL costing 5 HP and Herald giving a Divine Purpose proc (3 HP to spend on whatever you want), Herald just feels smoother and faster to me.

I can’t link you any actual data, only anecdotal stuff. In my personal use Templar is much higher and all the top parses use Templar as well.

Both are fine, but templar is better.

On a side note since people mentioned it, templar strikes should be a double strike ability, it should not be 1+1, it’s also not affected by haste and it’s a 1 sec gcd flat ability.

That would be fine if the ability did 2 strikes in one gcd, generating 2 holy power and dealing a significant amount of damage, but it’s not fine for an ability that does 1 strike, and then transform the ability to another one and you have to press it again to have a 1 sec flat gcd.

I like playing Herald more. It floats better to me. Templar is great but there is a delay when using the big hammer. You press it and have to wait a few secs before it actually does anything. Also with wings it feels better with Herald I have more stuff to press.

For what 95% of what the generally ret pallys it doesn’t matter what hero talent we pick, we aren’t doing the top 0.01% high end content, we are going for WFR heck most of our parise are just Ok so it doesn’t matter the damage gain from Templar would be so little just play what you like.

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The cd itself is effected by haste, the DoT may or may not be, but is intended to be effected by haste. (Haste scaling is the reason they added the DoT in the first place.)

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Ahhh, okay. Fair enough.

Well I like herald better too, but I have templared into a pack for 10 to 11 million

Not sure you did at 623 lol, biggest I have seen and im 30% crit is 7-8M in M11

Stars have to align
Pull has to be nice and large
Empyrean hammer have to start falling before any mobs die

Like I said I’ve done it once before