Templar Buff Feedback

Ill keep it short and simple, the buffa feel realllllllllly good, ive always been a Templar andy and now I can smack people with hammers all day long.

I personally run Mas>Vers>Crit and it feels amazing. Even without running haste i have a 60%-70% uptime on about 20%-50% haste increase.

Alot of people have been preaching this but if Templar is supposed to be the Single Target king, they need to code Empyrean Hammers tonfocus Main targets/Players rather than pets.

Inhavent seen an Empyrean Hammer hut a totem yet.


My tought are just that it may be fair to have the empyrean hit pets and guardians, but they should also hit totems, and all other summons made by players like psyfiend. That way you can randomly one shot their summons and make it a counter in some situations and a weakness in others which is what is called balanced.