Tempest with Thorim's Invocation in AoE seems clunky

During Ascendance, you cast MSW spenders on Windstrikes due to Thorim’s Invocation. On live, for AoE, as long as Chain Lightning is primed you’re good.

Tempest replaces Lightning Bolt, not Chain Lightning. In either AoE or single target, you always want to cast Tempest if available.

As a result, in AoE, Ascendance procs would require you to directly cast Tempest then re-prime Chain Lightning after, absolutely throwing off the flow. Changing spenders during Ascendance feels so bad.

There’s a few ways to allow Thorim’s Invocation to cast Tempest as a priority without re-priming. Either directly code it so Tempest is cast without changing your established LB or CL setup, or change Tempest to replace both LB and CL, reaching the desired outcome without changing play patterns significantly. While that may cause issues with banking Tempest for a specific burst window later, the CL replacement can be specifically established IFF Thorim’s is taken and Ascendance is active.

And, of course, DRE needs to be reworked to a shorter duration, shorter cooldown, but controllable Ascendance. But that’s not the message here.

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This was tested on the alpha, casting tempest when it procs doesn’t override your thorims auto casts. Chain Lightning will still fire off.


Tempest should have been a stormstrike replacement for enhance.

And a lava burst replacer for ele , as a plasma blast. Electrically conductive bolts of lava .

It doesn’t really make sense to me that tempest replaces lightning bolt for both specs because one is a spammable and one is a spender. It would have made more sense to me if…

  1. It replaced earth shock for Ele, and Lightning bolt for enhance.

  2. It replaced Lightning Bolt for Ele and Stormstrike for Enhance.

  3. It replaced Lava Burst for Ele and Lava Lash for Enhance.

Bonus points for that third option for adding lightning and lessening the fire spells cast!

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I like all of these more than what we got for sure. But the devs don’t play shamans, notes like “windfury does something cool”

That particular note has me worried. Because that means enhance still has wind fury totem. I was really hoping they would remove that and give something to replace it in the class tree or baseline.

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Glad to hear it. I don’t have Alpha access, and none of the YouTube videos I’d watched so far actually touched on this, so it’s good to see that was a consideration they already had.

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A pleasant surprise for sure

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Yeah as Narak mentioned, Tempest is considered it own spell and doesn’t effect Thorim’s Invocation interaction, was tested first thing in Alpha, it actually plays quite smoothly.