Tempest of the Lightbringer needs a downgrade

Dookay. Massive swell of light engulfing the enemies sure looks goofy. :crazy_face: At best.

Stronk agree. But I guess its Blizz way of throttling the specs in different content. Not sure if I agree with that but I see why they do do it. Doodoo.

Honestly I can’t argue with this haha. Glad you’re enjoying it.

If the range were shorter it would still be uncapped. And the uncapped amount is only the bonus damage

But yeah IMO they could have fixed a lot of problems with the spec if tempest uncapped divine storm. This is because ret utility is generally undesired, so it would be a reason to invite a ret to a higher key with aggressive pulls and sacrifice some utility

Which would be better than blizzard lumping all utilities AND damage onto the same few classes. But I digress

I use The Magistrates Judgement instead when my friends force me to play ret. It is a 25% buff to holy power spenders which is better than the 20% of tempest (at 5 targets)

When I use the Tempest leggo, I aim it back the way we came when the mobs are grouped up. Easy solution

This is been discussed over quite few times on this forum and everyone is just beating a dead horse with this.
There is NO issue mech or gameplay wise with RET they are fine with what they have quite good in dps as this patch unfold finding there way closer to top in raid highly sought for good burst ect.
But they do not have a place in M+ because Prot/Holy already bring everthing and more to 5 man group. Dps are plentiful why bother with ret when you could get a Prot pally or Holy doesnt make any sense after that u got Brez/Hero/Prio. There for ret is least favored even myself being pally player avoid them like the plague in M+

It does take some practice but honestly, just aim it better.

Ret needs a 15% buff and a different lego.

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just aim better? tempest is a delight in m+

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I am now and have always been fundamentally against any sort of downgrade to any equipment or class abilities

I also have very dim views of anyone that would suggest any kind of nerf

If you don’t like or can’t cope with an ability or piece of gear just don’t use it until you know how and leave other people’s abilities and equipment alone

You miss my point. -I- know how to use this ability, along with many paladins.

The problem is that MOST paladins do not know how to use it, and whenever I’m tanking and invite one they usually wind up ruining the key

as a result, I do not invite ret paladins anymore unless I know them personally

The legendary does not serve the class. It causes paladins to have a bad name. And the range of it does not improve our dps. Downgrading the range does not downgrade the damage done. It’s pretty simple