Tempest control

I’ve been playing Elemental for the entire seasons and have landed at around 2.6kio, and I must say we need some form of burst or better control over Tempest procs. We take a significant hit on our damage when choosing Stormbringer in single target, yet we have to rely on chance for our AoE to remain competitive. Without several Tempest procs during trash pulls, we find ourselves falling millions of damage behind melee classes on the DPS meters. While some may argue otherwise, I believe this is a glaring issue. Additionally, Storm Elemental and Earthquake don’t seem to provide a substantial DPS increase. For instance, using Earthquake on a group of five enemies with four Flame Shock dots may yield around 500k DPS if you’re lucky, but without a Tempest proc during that pull, you’ll be sitting around 1.5 million DPS. We definitely need at least one way to control a Tempest proc, whether through our one-minute cooldown Stormkeeper or by increasing proc chances during our elemental windows. Even Wowhead suggests Farseer for Mythic+, and I’m beginning to understand why. During add phases in boss fights, if you don’t have a Tempest proc ready, melee will cleave down the adds before you can cast enough Chain Lightnings to come ahead in dps, and if you hold on to a tempest proc in anticipation for an add spawn you will be chain lighting to do single target dps. Don’t get me wrong elemental seems good, but the utility is another both nice to have but causes an issue as well. You are scarifying globals for team support which will cause ur dps to drop even lower.

A few tricks I’ve learned, you need to stay ahead of the pulls so you can storm keeper prior to tank pulling if you are not flameshocking and have storm keeper proced prior to tank pull you will just be catching up the the entire pull. Sometimes ur movement ability that grants spelling casting while moving sometimes this requires you just to make sure your anticipating the next pull. That being said we need atleast one method to control a tempest proc.

What are your thoughts here?

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They should just make it so stormkeeper always triggers a tempest proc.

That way at least you have a predictable one.


A bit off the main topic, but I wish they would make it so Tempest replaced both Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning when up. Stormkeeper idea seems good. It would also be great if the cast times where reduced some, especially on Stormkeeper.


I don’t think tempest consumes stormkeeper? I don’t always pay attention … haha.

It’d be cool if it also buffed tempest. That might be too insane in the membrane damage.

So many times i have hit chain light too fast and missed my tempest proc. :frowning:
They should probably merge lightning bolt and chain light in one spell that would adapt to the number of targets.

They could make the first hit as strong as LB, and adjust the damage drop off to match the damage it has now. Both ST would stay the same, AoE could go up based on scaling off of LB damage, and tuning not being the exact same, we lose a bit of the button bloat, and tempest is missed far less.

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Agreed. An on-demand Tempest in some way would be hugely helpful. I was just thinking this due to how badly we are going to want to cast Earthshock (Surge of Power) → Tempest during our Ascendance windows coming in the .5 patch. I kind of wish we could hold on to Tempest charges and use it separately from Lightning Bolt but oh well.

One solution would be to add on to a talent i.e. Arc Discharge so that whenever you consume a Stormkeeper charge you cast a Tempest on your main target. May have be a slightly weaker version for balance but I think this would still be cool and flavorful.

I think you’re thinking way too hard about the rotation. Obviously you want to be mindful of your Maelstrom spent towards your next Tempest or Awakened Storms stacks but you do not need to game it so hard to keep ahead. More or less so long as you’re spam casting CL or LB and not overcapping you’ll be chilling.

Your CDR on Stormkeeper and Pwave combined with saving them effectively for add sets with proper Maelstrom will be a bigger boon than trying to game your Tempest procs. ESPECIALLY on bosses even if they have adds because if you’re sacking your single target damage just to pool for a Tempest on adds (even on a boss like 2nd boss of NW where adds need to die) is worse for the key in the end.

The think I cannot understad is why Tempest doesn’t become instant with Stormkeeper when it is instant with Maelstrom weapon. Imo Tempest should become a new spell for Stormbringer. Maybe even replace Stormkeeper and grant it’s bonus. Because getting guaranteed Tempest after casting Stormkeeper doesn’t make sense.

Tempest replacing Stormkeeper and giving it’s bonus after cast actually makes a lot of sense. Instead of 1 min. Stormkeeper make it 45 sec. Tempest.


Completely agree. It takes way too long to get a tempest proc which is the majority of our damage in aoe. We need a more reliable and faster way to proc tempest. I realise the rng is part of the theme of the class but it feels horrible to play. Most of the time im getting tempest up when there’s only 2 or 3 mobs left of the pack.

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Funny thing about this is that Enhancement can macro Tempest to chain lightning, elemental cannot though because the storm elemental also has an ability called Tempest that takes priority. If you use the same macro it works while you have no storm elemental but as soon as you summon it it’s broken. I couldn’t figure out a workaround, but I mostly cobble things together. I even requested on the PTR thread to rename the storm elementals ability exactly for this reason or that they could just make make chain lightning turn into tempest too.

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Elemental is really not that great in aoe, unless you can figure out the tempest mechanic and they can make it bit more reliable the class is broken in aoe. The aoe lava burst hits like a wet noodle does like zero aoe burst, flame shock falls off to fast, earth quake does like zero dmg it feels. Likely gonna retire my elemental for now. My guess is the patch won’t help the aoe dmg at all. For some reason it’s look like a 8ish % dmg nerf

If you’re not cranking in AoE then something is really wrong with your rotation then. Even with Stormbringer, Chain Lighting CPM will net you way more than Tempest will more often than not.