Telling people to leave the game for criticism

I will never understand why people come here to just complain endlessly about the game. If you don’t like it, then leave. It’s not worth your time to cry about changes.

I come here to discuss a game I love. Too many trolls just use this forum as a means to whine and complain. I truly don’t understand it.

This is not some community project. The developers have a vision for the game, and you either agree with it or you don’t. For me, I enjoy the game as it is. If it comes to the point where I cease to enjoy it, then I leave. That’s what happened at the end of Cataclysm. I didn’t come to the forums and try to change the developers minds. It’s their game, not mine.

I came back when the game seemed to be getting interesting again (BFA) and I have enjoyed it once again.


Another thing is that at the end of BFA people who were absolutely awful at the game could still get mythic kills.

Corruption carried a LOT of people to mythic kills. Now that corruption isn’t there to carry people some people are blaming anything and everything for their lack of success.

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Well that is the ultimate conclusion of complaints getting ignored and would happen without people kicking you out the door.

Not necessarily but at the same time is every discussion an all caps complaint thread? Also no. So I dont get why people basically use that response for every complaint thread.

I can agree with that. In the same vein if the only response to complaints is to leave I think that is a poor response and a failure of the forum moderators to moderate trolling.

You are right but they need to come to that decision on their own. And when they do and tell blizzard they are leaving and leave a long review as to why these same people still come out of the woodwork to tell them good on you for leaving and dont come back. I have issues with that mentality.

Well yes. But in the same vein counter points should focus on being more specific also rather than blanket leave campaigns.

Sure. But when such points are brought up some only want to tell these people to leave. I dont get it. Comparing two games also makes people just tell others to leave. Like why? Comparisons are a thing but people act like its wrong to compare the two most popular mmos out there. When everquest was popular wow would be compared to everquest as well. Comparing design decisions is okay.

Im not getting mad im just asking a question about forum rules.

I wonder what they do read then. Probably their financials only.

Because people love the game and want to tell the devs what they dont like.

Telling people not to post their opinions is against the spirit of the forums, but suggesting that people would make a more effective criticism of the game by speaking with their wallet instead of posting is probably not.


Then do it with the in game feedback tool. General Discussion is not the place for that.

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Then ignore them? If you’re bringing up two legitimate points and comparing two games, you’re in the right, they aren’t. If you’re actually providing constructive criticism you will find people that will discuss with you, and then you’ll find people to tell you to leave.


Unfortunately, that’s what most of this forum is now. I’d say let’s use the Lounge, but no one really posts there much.

I think those long “I quit” threads aren’t being read. Don’t they ask you why you’re quitting when you unsub? Maybe someone is reading those lol. There’s just no other activity in life that we treat this way. No one purposely continues to do something they just don’t like. It’s an odd relationship that people have with this game.

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I’ve been thinking of taking a break from the forums personally. If you post something other than “WoW ded blizz SUCKS” you have the same dozen trolls flood and respond asking for sources and calling you a shill. It’s getting pretty tiring. Especially when the ingame experience is radically different than the bleak picture these people try to paint on GD.

Oh, I know. First day I came back, less than 12 hours, I had five posts in one thread flagged into oblivion and then those outraged people went through other threads to randomly mass flag out of spite. Just because I didn’t agree.

I actually thought of making a separate private forum using one of the free versions of forum coding, because I just don’t Discord. But that interest never took off. Maybe we can resurrect the Lounge. Though, the problem there is that it takes people having TL3.


There are people who write entire novels about how much they hate this game. Then they get SUPER salty when people who don’t hate the game don’t hold their hand and complain along with them.

for heck’s sake, if you’re that unhappy, why would you continue playing?

Sometimes “dude, just stop playing” is an entirely valid response. If you are truly that unhappy, the best way to communicate to that to any company is to stop giving them your money.


I will never have TL3 with the number of times I’ve been suspended haha

LOL!!! I think the only reason I still have it is because beta forums gave us TL3.

All the same, it really would be nice to have a place to discuss the game with other people that actually like the game.

maybe we should all just leave. nobody should be here


Depends on the context.

If somebody posts a big negative topic saying WoW is the worst thing since spoiled milk than it’s not really out of the question to ask them why don’t they just click the unsubscribe button.

If somebody’s posts suggestive/constructive feedback and gets dumpstered on by people than it can be reasonably to say its harassment.

No, its telling them a hard truth that blizzard only listens to your money not your words, and wanting improvements is best handled buy refusing to pay until they are satisfied with the product. or moving on from the platform thats not living up to a paying customer desires.

I don’t tell people to leave because I know things are more complicated than that. People can dislike some things about the game, like others. Or have a rage moment, vent it out and be fine. Me telling them to leave isn’t gonna solve any problems. It’s a wasted post, wasted time.

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You can see that in how MAUs went down by 11 million but they still made 7% revenue. People leaving might not matter.


Its not a matter of it mattering for the company, if the customer has lost faith in the business then the best course of action it to take your money elsewhere