Tell me your favorite class and why :)

The only true class option you need to look into is the Night Elf Mohawk.

All other options are null and void.


Warrior has been my standby class since Vanilla, at least until Blizzard seemed to lose sight of what they wanted out of Arms in Legion and up to now. I liked the idea of Arms and the overall playstyle in just about every expansion (early Legion was rough, but it did get a little better for awhile).

Nowadays, I tend to flip between Rogue and Hunter. Outlaw (Combat) and Assassination have almost always been fun, and I think Marksman made some decent strides after a really rough BfA launch.

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Mage. Teleport.

Feather fall and an abundance of good cloth mods help as well.

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I always seem to go back priest no matter how hard I try. The aesthetics are great, the specializations generally feel great, our transmogs and armor sets are top tier next to warlock.


All my characters are Monks. I always liked the ‘super power’ vibe and I feel Monk has that aesthetic.



cause i like the stealth n stuff


I think Mage? Arcane especially. I just love the concept of weaving dreams and imagination into reality.


Maths. Mogo like numbers.


My Dwarf Shaman was a main through a lot of WoD, and probably would’ve been in Legion too if it weren’t for the changes to Enhancement.
People (Raiders, mostly, from what I saw) praised the changes because it brought increased DPS, but some stuff was definitely lost for the spec along the way, particularly a sense of identity.

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Legion Enhancement was definitely worse than WoD Enhancement, but the degeneracy of it was hidden by legendaries and artifact abilities for most of Legion’s lifespan, in my mind.

BfA Enhancement is basically just Legion Enhancement with all the legendaries and artifact traits removed, which makes it essentially “how much can you press Stormstrike?”


Sadly, I think that’s the case for many, many classes :frowning:

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I think the main non-raiders who I noticed enjoying the changes were Warrior mains. Which isn’t that surprising, since Enh became yet another rage builder.

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Ex-Warrior main here, I hate new Enhance. It’s boring.

Not trying to disprove your theory, just putting that out there.


Druid is my favorite! Hunter is a close second. However, I am nuts for druids.
I have 3 at 120… and I have a few more druids not yet 120, because you can never have enough druids!

As to the why? I enjoy healing, and I enjoy doing damage, I also enjoy tanking - druids can do it all, and they can go ranged or melle for their dps.
Flight form is very enjoyable, I find it entertaining to use the glyph of the sentinel and swoop around as a tiny owl. Then of course with flight form comes the game of ground chicken! What is ground chicken? Well, that is when you are in the air, and you drop flight form and see how close to the ground you dare go before you swoop back into form. It is satisfying, until you lag and you go splat! :laughing: