Tell me why

Do you like Kael’thas. Personally for me he was always my most favorite lore character even before Ner’zhul or Grommash who are my favorite Orcs.

I grew up playing in Warcraft 3 his whole campaign and was totally bummed out when were forced to kill him just because Blizzard needed more villains.

Also his whole regal look and the first use of fire magic are taken to be noted and make his whole style very special and unique. Sadly I can’t post images here due to past bans but if there was ever any hero/leader that would deserve a second chance in life to lead his people a better way it is him.

Glory to Kael’thas Sunstrider first of his name and true king of Quel’thalas.

I hope there are many people out there who like him too.


Ain’t nothin’ but a heartache
Tell me why
Ain’t nothin’ but a mistake
Tell me why
I never wanna hear you say
I want it that-a way :notes:


My car is in the front yard
And I’m sleeping with my clothes on
I came in through the window last night
And you’re gone, gone :notes:


I like Kael’thas because he is one of the most relatable characters in Warcraft.

Dude was a Tier 3 sub to Jaina Proudmoore and then threw a tantrum and became an incel once Jaina chose the more handsome/more muscular/more intelligent man (Arthas). Relatable. :blush:

Do you have anything to say at all?

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Thanks for getting that song stuck in my head?

And Kael’thas is just another tragic case of a character I used to like until Blizzard ruined them.

Blizzard needed more raid bosses since gameplay always trumps the story. So Kael’thas had to go.

With the thread title, my mind 1st went to the song Gangsta’s Paradise, where it goes:

Tell me why are we so blind to see that the ones we hurt are you and me :notes:

I guess other people had other songs their minds went to.

I played WC 3 when it was current, so to speak. Before WoW was released. I loved the Blood Elf aesthetic. I loved the Phoenix imagery- it really helped express the tone of destruction and rebirth.

His hair style is awesome. That is the hair style I use on my Blood Elves, under this hat. Though, in black.

His voice actor delivered. I heard there was some hullabaloo about a change in voice actors… maybe the old one was a little better. It was a serviceable replacement, anyway. What’s done is done.

Kaelthas went through a lot. He was a spoiled brat child who turned his back on his people to prance about with Humans in Dalaran. However, he likely would have died had he been there, anyway. I am sure that would mess with someone’s mind. He wasn’t there for their worst moment, but that fact allowed for him to be there later, to organize a reconstruction of their society.


I miss him too, he is still my favorite mage (even though I never been able to like the Class gameplay I felt Warlock was more on point with Keal gameplay at the time) even after all this time… I remember starting playing WoW again in BC but when I read that we kill him it turn me off enough to leave WoW until the end of WoD…

Well either he will have a cameo in the reconstruction of Silvermoon, specially if the unification of the elves is still happening.


I can totally see him as a leader or contact from the SL to the Darkfallen… and head the help and construction of the Forsaken new Necropolis!

Either way I would not mind, he was top tier Mage in his time (if he was still alive he be equal or even stronger than Jaina not in power but mostly in knowledge of the arcane), no doubt he has become a prodigy in the SL and an honored guest in the House of Ritual with his arcane talents, I suspect…

I love if he created a new way to fight with a Necrotic Flame or some other related Death element like he did in WC3 with Phoenix Fire, that can later turn into a Hero talent with arcane related to Death!

lol look at me wooing over 20+ year old dead character like a kid! :rofl:
I could go on even in Death the character has potential I just hope if Blizz brings him back its not to kill him again… Horde really need to start retaining their leadership! :joy:


Lor’themar was a standin for 17 years without doing much in the actual story so far. He is just there when we need a mirror for Jaina and thats it.

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he had the iconic hunch that the horde needs in a leader

I don’t trust a head of state that stands tall

Why not? That shows how elegant and proud they are.

Kael’thas at his core is a tragic figure who kept getting stuck with increasingly bad choices that ultimately drove him to the brink of madness; if we hadn’t put him down when we did at tempest keep it’s entirely possible he and his followers would have become straight up feldorei.

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Pride tends to get in the way of critical thinking.

Is such a subjective concept.

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Proof there are at least two kinds of people because there is only one song that pops into my head.

Ain’t nothing but a heartache

Ain’t nothing but a mistake

I never wanna hear you say
I want it that way


Decently flawed character. Tried to save his own people but his ego and hubris lead him down the wrong path. I still don’t agree with making him a villain for the simple fact they had him ally with the Legion. The very Legion that poisoned the well. But I can accept him as a character who struggled a lot and endured a lot of tragedy. I sympathize with him to a point.

He never accepted the role of King. He felt it still belonged to his father. He was still mourning that loss.

I really wanted him to at least be able to lead the San’layn or something. I don’t know if they’ll ever bring him back though.

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Kael’thas is my favorite character even before Sylvanas.

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