
Class design, borrowed power, balancing and why patches shouldn’t feel like they’re expansions - Community / WoW Community Council - World of Warcraft Forums (

Quote from that post: “You are wasting too many resources by reinventing the wheel instead of fixing the wheel.”

Dragonflight Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft (

Don’t mind the “definitely well thought out and balanced” PvP rogue build above me. You expect us to playtest this in less than 5 months when you don’t even have an alpha out.

We really went from Beta for Azeroth to Alphalands to now TechDemoflight. Can’t wait to play ConceptArtLands in 2025. 2028 at this point is just going to be an Excel spreadsheet with a lot of poor UI handling.

Half the classes don’t even have a preview yet. INCLUDING EVOKER.

I rest my case. Please delay this abomination.