<Tears> (A) - Recruiting bench/possible main raid spot players

Tears (53/54) is looking to recruit bench players and possible main raiders for current phase and phases moving forward. Mainly in need of the classes listed below, if you are another class and parse well, feel free to reach out. WE ARE NOT IN NEED OF TANKS.

Raid times -

Monday - Off
Tuesday - 10 mans (8p ST)
Wednesday - 25 man (8p ST)
Thursday - 25 man if needed (8p ST)
Friday - 10 mans (8p ST)
Sat - Possible 10 mans
Sun - Off

Classes needed -


Priest (Shadow)
Shaman (Elemental)
Paladin (Ret)

Please note this is mainly for bench positions. You will not be invited to every raid and should be available during these raid times, in case we are in need.