Team B is recruiting for our heroic raid roster.
Currently 11/11N & 7/11H in Sepulcher alongside our sister guild on Zul’jin.
Our current AotC streak extends back to Lady Jaina Proudmoore from BFA season 2.
To be clear, we’ve no ambitions to move into Mythic, just looking to make sure we have a solid and consistent normal + heroic roster, and enough warm bodies to run M+ whenever we want.
Raid Schedule: (Wed/Thur 8-11PM EST)
We run multiple >+15 keys throughout each week for our mains and alts.
A few of us play 1.8-2.2kish arena (mostly on the weekends).
We’re looking specifically for a Demon Hunter that can DPS and backup Tank in raid/M+, and a Warlock for raids and whatever else they are interested in.
Though as long as you aren’t a troublemaker and put effort into your character and your play you’re welcome to come get to know us and see if we’re a good fit for one another.
Guild established 2005 and consists mostly of original vanilla old timers. We’re all pretty chill.
Find us in the guild finder tool or hit up Brewsome or Aplcyder in game.