TDC Capture & Contain


It’s not uncommon for things to go missing at sea. Especially during war time. But strange reports of rescue ships abruptly sinking below the waves the moment the relieved crew boards it has sent an uneasy chill down even the most experienced sailor’s spine.

Worse yet - these stories have come ashore. To the north in Darkshore the Alliance reports Kaldorei refugees vanishing on refugee relief ships. To the south in Ashenvale the Horde reports soldiers dissapearing after boarding transport vessels.

With official resources spread to thin to muster an appropriate The Desolate Conclave has devised a plan to root out this mysterious hunger that stalks the coast.

Those brave enough to face the unknown are to rally at Zoram’Gar Outpost tomorrow evening.


Incident Report AVK - 4

Researcher ███: Things were going well enough. Until AS#64 ate one of the cows. Seems one of our own got sentimental and tried to rescue the livestock. Things went predictably awry from there. The Prime Governor arrived in the nick of time and all is well for our ‘heroes’.

AS#64 remains uncontained. Further study on how this failed trap might affect it’s hunting patterns will be the topic of research.



The younger Tauren that knew only the bounty of Mulgore dismissed the old woman’s warnings as crone’s tales. Just scary stories to keep the calves obedient and well behaved. They didn’t know about the hunger that could ravage the body after months of unlucky hunting. The cravings that could posion the mind and make you start to consider the unthinkable.

So when the disappearances started the young and foolish blamed the usual suspects. The Quilboar, the Centaur, perhaps some vile Grimtotem machinations or the doing of some Alliance raiders. But she knew better. She knew what was out there in the dark. The single minded, insatiable starvation that dragged away those that wandered too carelessly on moonless nights.

So she was unsurprised when the dead men turned up, asking pointed questions about the nature of the vanishings. Darkness recognizes darkness afterall. What she did wonder though is what exactly they intended to do about the walking hunger. You could fell it’s vessel easily enough, but the craving itself? They’d find their way to a new host, soon enough.

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Incident Report 6-M

Post C&C Mission Log By High Executor C██.

"Well, s#/%. Bes’ I can figure the uh,

sounds of paper being flipped through

OCT jus’ ‘bout had s#/% sorted when some ole’ kang sized sunnoab/%ch destroyed AS#17. ‘Member how ya’ll lab spooks were werkin’ on that theory that it was holdin’ the spirit of some mean ole’ bull what figured out necromancy back when? Well - still confirmin’ thangs but durin’ the debrief apparently several dead tauren got up and uh, flew off into the night’s sky as it t’were described.

So - good news is I thank yall’s theory issa a safe bet. Bad news, well, this’ll prolly be a meeting"

Excerpt from C&C After Action Report ██

MTF#: 009, Callsign Town Drunks, Additional Irregular Support
Location: Strahnbad, Alterac

“AS#12 was effectively contained within his own ‘toy sack’, itself now designated AS#12-1, by Captain ████ during Operation War on Wintervail. Research into how DIS may look into salvage operations within the pocket dimension created by AS#12-1 without risking containment breach by AS#12 is ongoing”

Incident Report ██

Elements of MTF designated Town Drunks located AS#92 in abandoned waystation in Lordaeron coordinaes ██ after most recent relocation event. Executor █████ made the decision to obscure AS#92 with remains of Argent horses until more containment resources arrived, on the basis that there were not enough task force members on site to guarantee a secure perimeter, and local transients were known to use the area for shelter. AS#92 immediately displaced to a park in Stormwind, causing █ casualties before it could again be located. Due to highly public nature of this location, decision was made by Governor’s Council to again provoke a displacement event, resulting in the current location. Holding at the current location is considered unsustainable. Capture and Contain methods authorized.

Be advised full extent of anomaly’s capabilities upon becoming corporeal are unknown. Salvage operations suggest AS#92 removes the sensory organs of prey first. As victims of an interrupted AS#92 incidents disappear with the anomaly it is believed it possesses instant transferrence capabilities to parts unmarked or a possible pocket dimension. Green Light on all offensive methods and Governess █████’s plan X32 IE Operation Portrait Prison.

Capture & Contain tomorrow @8pm, located Alterac City

Its tonight! In one Hour.

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