TBC-Wrath era Hydraxis players

Hey was talking with some old Pantheon alumni the other day and kind of reminiscing about the TBC-Wrath times. Wondering whatever happened to some of the guilds (I know Darien transferred Pantheon off) like KL, Socially Inept, and others. Also any players still on server from back in that time?

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Out of Exile is still here and doing our thing. We were founded in the beginning of WotLK. I’ve been maining the same char since back then and a lot of the former KL guys joined us and some still play (Dracen, Antelope, Joeronin, etc.). Not a lot of the old guard left but more than you would think, just I feel a lot of people have changed chars or taken breaks and lost touch once they came back.


Good old Hydraxis :frowning:

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Hi just came back after a long break. Saying Hi!!!

Kuha is a peace fish

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Kaitlynn still here playing. I miss the old days playing with leeb, devils, yukio, jinz, etc. hard to believe I’ve been playing for 15+ years now. Still flaunt my deaths demise title, one of the hardest feats in the game from our ulduar days. I’m on stormrage now. 6/10m.

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-Valandil here!-

Came to the Hydraxis forum looking for a post just like this! Checking in on my old people. Kait and Yukio I have so many good memories from those days with you all.

I play this toon, as an extremely casual dad now lol, on Wyrmrest Accord.

OMG! Glad to see some old faces from the Pantheon days. Devils is still in Angry with me. Fatal and Farkus are as well. We’ve all become casuals.

I was briefly in KL and then went on to be the raid leader for Socially Inept during ICC. I think thats the most fun ive ever had in this game. Last I saw Pelinore was GM of Socially Inept but I dont know if any of those guys still play. Shoutout Bustycops

i remember that name in goldshire… man i do miss those great times out there lol

omg i remember leebness!