TBC Warlock professions

Exactly, you don’t care and are fine being in the lowest percentile.

That’s fine. Just don’t speak on topics and issues you don’t understand or care about. Especially when those who do care and understand are trying to discuss it.

Mace Ar/Prep Rogue on a stick is bis mace/weapon.

I will be going tailoring and enchanting now if you plan on really pushing content in a sweaty guild you will likely have to drop Enchanting and go leather working for drums.

Not everyone cares about orange parsing or being world first. For many players just dropping the bosses and getting loot is plenty.


8 yard drums makes it kinda iffy if drums are worth it for casters. If a fight forces you to spread out then it’s not worth collapsing to get a haste buff if it interrupts your dps. Losing one nuke to get the buff isn’t worth it. I don’t think LW will be necessary in P1 since it’s mostly kara and you can wait and see if you wanna grab it for P2.

I plan on going Tailor/Ench until I see how drums shakes out. If they seem really good even with 8 yards, I might switch to LW for P2. Hopefully blizzard changes them though, but they seem to be stubborn about it. But for Sunwell, yeah LW is going to be a must with the greater drums.

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Or maybe sweaties should start clarifying: mandatory if you think “world firsts” in a 15 year old game are important.


Leatherworking is mandatory if you’re going to raid even semi-serious. It’s simply not an option because it’s the best buff you can give to your group from a profession.

Blizzard dropped the ball on it but it is what it is.

This all reminds me of high school football kids. They’re super serious. Working out… Protein supplements… Practice, practice, practice!

Where do they end up? Fat, not playing pro, and yelling at the TV and bragging about their glory days in high school.


All you need is Shadow Bolt and drums for Sunwell, right?


this is such a lame take. I mean nobody is forcing you to go all out and sweat, let people enjoy what they want.

I have no problem with folks playing how they want to play. If you wanna follow guides to T and focus on parses, go nuts. Have fun! If you’re going to try to use any of that to claim some strange superiority over someone who isn’t, then that’s pathetic.


Which is exactly why I said if you don’t care about your performance it doesn’t matter.

But if you do, it does. Some people like pushing to do their best. It’s not about pink parses it’s about doing the best you can and improving. It’s satisfying to look at a wall of purple parses and know you did really well and look forward to doing better next week.

Simple as that.

If you don’t care about performance why bother making a stupid comment?

Drums being extremely powerful and being the difference between green/blue and purple/pink parses is simply fact. You cannot argue that or change it, it’s reality unless Blizzard makes it otherwise.

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Pretty sure thats not going on in here.

Not sure if you meant it that way, but I actually got a good laugh from that!

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This thread went from best wow professions to a quick lesson in bdsm etiquette.

I vote this thread get stickied at the top.


Daddyman likes to be on top.

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BDSM people are worse than vegans.

Watch it, the invites to the munch are incoming.



and your guild likely didn’t roll every single world buff every time they went to clear a raid in Vanilla, but pretty much every guild clearing content requires them now in Classic. So while on your first go around in TBC drums didn’t generally become meta until Sunwell. Now that they are a known quantity, they will be a required meta from Kara onward in most guilds.

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The resto Shaman getting swapped in to BL isn’t likely to have leatherworking. They are likely to have Alchemy due to the increased potion effectiveness being critical for mana management, and tailoring for BIS healing gear. So 80-90% of dps will be required to have LW. The healer group is the one least likely to require drums, because haste isn’t as critical for them.