TBC Warlock Guides?

I plan on leveling a Blood Elf Affliction Warlock on a PvE server. What PvE guide(s) do you recommend?

aff is nice if you go dungeons
demo is good if you plan on questing alot
destro sorta bad for leveling

Any of the ton of them on YouTube.

Here’s one.

Shadowfury is actually really insane on 5 man trash. Don’t sleep on deep destruction if you are largely planning on doing 5 mans for leveling. But felguard is a safe leveling choice. Better than affliction I think for undergeared characters.

Go affliction until 50 then switch to felguard for the rest of the way up. You’ll also have sacrifice and 1/2 enslave for wild demons. Demons are not rare in outlands so these will be fun to have.

Dot tab dot tab dot tab if those mobs touch you…DRAIN…

I mean a 5 second search on YouTube…

“Can anyone anyone recommend a movie?”
“Just go to the movie theatre.”

He came asking the community for our opinion on a good guide because he respects what we think. No need to be a jerk about it.


Just kite them around while dotting everything. It has been a longtime but you eventually can talent some of your dots to where they are instant cast.

My biggest frustration while leveling my warlock in TBC was not having enough to gather up. You will eventually start getting back a portion of your damage as health. So if you are struggling to stay alive, you just need to be dotting more mobs.

Unstoppable death machine

If you are trying to kill one or two mobs at a time on an affliction warlock, you are doing it wrong. Five is like a bare minimum.

For a singular source, Kargoz has a Youtube channel with a lot of Warlock guides for different specs and for both PvE and PvP.

He has both Classic and TBC stuff, and does other classes too but has a bunch on Warlock. Might be a good place to start.

You might also spend a little time going through TBC streams to see if anyone is playing Affliction Lock and as some questions in the chat. Lot of those guys are helpful.

YouTube also has movie recommendations if you need some.

Most guides will tell you blood elf is a waste of time. Orc is highest DPS and not by a small amount (blood fury does spell power come Tuesday, and pets do 5% more damage). Are you sure you don’t want an RP server?

TBC warlock rotation: spam shadow bolt.

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