“Classic Classic” Fresh enjoyers are just waiting for TBC. Myself included.
Why Blizzard when you had the opportunity to give us TBC? Hell I would have even settled for paid level 58 boosts to start TBC with and we all know MicroActiBlizz whoever owns them these days… loves MONEY.
Who else is leveling on the “Classic Classic” Fresh to just log out once max, profs sorted etc and not coming back until TBC?
Thread will either die soon or become an argument between those who want TBC and those who have to let their opinions be known that if you play anything other than era then you’re just a retail player, but yeah I’m expansion logging after P1.
I’ll be creating my characters and then waiting for Blizzard to give us an answer if these servers will stay in TBC Era at the end. If they say yes, I’ll play during the vanilla phase and level to 60 then wait for TBC. If the say no, I’ll unsub.
speak for yourself, please
TBC is junk. muh flying mouuuuunts.
Flying isn’t what I’m looking forward to, I just genuinely like the expansion and it makes specs that aren’t viable in Vanilla a chance to be played in TBC.
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Classic is pretty overrated.
I do agree flying mounts werent that great of an idea.
Target dummy raid bosses tho…yikes.
Almost every spec isnt viable in classic too, games over hyped.
Yep just gonna be waiting a hell of a long time til TBC.
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The length of time we’ll be waiting for TBC will be longer than how long TBC will last. Then it’s back to wrath 
Wotlk was actual garbage.
Not quite that extreme. I want to hit R14. So
- Level 1-60
- Get professions to 300
- Maybe do a few MC/Ony
- Phase-2 Release
- Grind AV and Premade WSG on my off-time for 7 weeks
- Hit Rank 14, buy the gear
- Log off until Dark Portal event
They are viable right now in SOD and even better. Why wait for one year?
Because SOD is about to enter AQ, and we still have no idea where they go once the “Season” is deemed over. Sounds like a bad time investment.
Kind of like Fresh Classic Classic.
$68.7B company btw.
Feels to me like this was a no brainer for Blizz. Players that love the vanilla iteration have been clamoring for a Fresh server for years now and those that prefer TBC have been doing the same. With little effort Blizz was able to give both communities a bone, not perfect for either side but it’ll do 
For me I plan on playing through all the phases with my eye on the dark portal. Hope you enjoy the journey!
I won’t. On the other hand I’m not going to play on the Fresh servers before TBC launches, and then only under the condition thar we’ll get TBC Era servers to stay in.
because they’d be splitting up the classic community even more if they gave us both tbc and vanilla from the start. Both versions would be dead on arrival.
Forget that old “Splitting up the community” nonsense.
First: If people want BC they’ll just unsub for a year now.
Second: There’s not a net sum of playtime, more choices generate more playtime.
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More or less. I’ll occasionally check in throughout vanilla so long as guildies want to play together for dungeons or a random raid or two, but otherwise it’s just prepping for TBC. Hoping it’s Era so I can play and try out a bunch of things I never got to do 16 years ago (missed out on Classic TBC). But if it progresses into Wrath… I’ll play until the week of its launch and peace out back to retail/MoP since I’m only in it for TBC.
Blue post already confirmed that SOD will continue. So I don’t see how it’s a bad investment. They aren’t shutting it down