TBC Ravenholdt

i know a lot of people migrated to ED from RH back in the day. wondering if theres any lurkers here playing BC and where theyre going. gonna be with a group of old RH guys on Kromkrush Horde. you better be out there peeks ya rat bastid.

Yo what up fam. Done left four years ago. My photo biz took off and I’m too busy to own you nerds. I don’t think anyone from RH (that left) plays anymore.

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If they do, they def arent checking these dead forums.

If your looking for ED/RH/TN players on Classic TBC, they’re on Grobbulus… not all but a lot, enough to completely influence the servers “culture”… so to say.

there’s more RP on grob than I’ve seen on ED in like 6 years

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Well ya, I wasn’t speaking of ED in it’s current stat, trashcan slime. More like… MoP and Pre Cata had a ton of RP.